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Update 01.06.2020 - Wider Opening of Schools

Dear Parents,


Well tomorrow is the first day of the school opening to more pupils other than key worker and vulnerable children.


As you will have seen in my update last Thursday we are having a staggered intake during this week and tomorrow we see nursery, year R and year 6 returning. Year 1 will return on Thursday.


Thank you to you all for keeping us up to date with your decisions as to whether your child is returning or not, it has enabled me to put very clear plans together.


Over the weekend a few of you have changed your minds and decided not to send your children in, that is absolutely fine and again appreciate you informing us of this.


If your child is attending tomorrow you should now know which class they are joining, as the infant teaching staff rang parents of any child who was booked in to let them know the arrangements for the day.


The year 6 children who are booked in will go to their usual classroom (6KM or 6KY).


Year 1 parents should receive a phone call before Thursday.


For infant children you should walk your child to the external door of the classroom they are going to be based in and you will leave your child at the yellow marker line for them to then walk into school.


Arrival can be anytime between 9-9.30a.m. This is the same door you will collect them from between 2-2.30p.m.


Please ensure social distancing, at all times, with other adults on the site.


For year 6 they will also arrive between 9-9.30a.m. and come into school through the doors opposite the staff room and then go to their class. Collection will be from these doors between 2-2.30p.m. If you would like your child to walk home at 2.30 then you must inform the school office of this.


Vulnerable and Key worker children should arrive at 8.45 if they wish to have breakfast. They will go their rooms as outlined above if they are in nursery, year R or year 6 (and year 1 as from Thursday) 


If they are not in one of those year groups they will go to their own 'school family' room - Mr Gaunt's room at the junior school and Woodpecker class at the infant school. This slightly earlier arrival will enable them to eat breakfast before the other children arrive. Collection is 2.00 - 2.30 p.m.


Any child arriving after 9.00 a.m will be offered a bagel as usual.


All school gates will be open as usual.


Please explain these new arrival and collection routines to your child before leaving home (as well as washing their hands!) so that they know what to expect. Staff will need to maintain social distancing rules with the children which will make it very difficult if a child is distressed or upset on arrival, so it is best they are prepared before they leave home for the new routine.


If you have not booked your child in, you cannot just turn up. However next week I will offer parents the chance to review their decision for their child to then return on 15th June.


We have many safety measures in place in school and a number of these were outlined on Thursday's update. Should you want any further information please do not hesitate to ring me or speak to a member of staff (from a distance of course!).


These are very strange times for us all and I want our school community to be as safe as we possibly can. So please help us to look after your children and the staff by following these requests and keep a social distance.


Take care and stay safe


With very best wishes


Sheila Pape

Executive Headteacher
