The South View Federation

'A highly cohesive haven'

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  • A letter of thanks to the NHS from Donna, a Basingstoke nurse.

    Thu 30 Apr 2020

    The post below is by Donna, a nurse and the wife of a friend of some of the staff at The South View Federation. We have permission to share it and hope it reminds people why we have to stay home.


    Words cannot express my gratitude and admiration for the staff on C4 and ITU and outreach, who for 2 weeks cared for me as I battled against covid. I could not have been looked after any better. I am in awe of you all. Continuously donning and doffing, wearing full PPE just to make sure I had a drink, to make sure I was comfortable, to bring my drugs, to monitor my O2, to put lip balm on my very sore lips, to change my bedding, to wash me when I only had enough energy to breathe, to cream my feet and legs so I felt better, to reassure me, to be there when my family couldn't, to check on me throughout the night, to check on me after your days off, to brush my hair, to wash my hair, to shower me in your PPE, to hold my hand, to encourage me, to make me smile, to explain everything to me, to support me, to wipe my tears.


    To the ITU consultant knelt by my bedside explaining with compassion the threshold for tubing me and promising to try to wake me up for the birth of my grandson.


    For the outreach team encouraging me to lay on my tummy with my 60%venturi to breathe, and to feel safe, to reassure me that i was doing well on each of their visits.


    To the lovely physio for her encouragement and reassurance to get out of bed and walk for the first time, carrying my O2 cylinder for me.


    For the Doctor who held my hand and walked me to the window to get my lungs strong and working, who encouraged me to be confident, the same Dr who made me laugh everyday.


    To the lovely Dr who came and held my hand everyday, even though she wasn't caring for me everyday, to tell me how she couldn't be happier that I was doing well and that they had all been so worried about me. she held my hand and her eyes smiled.


    To the nurses and HCA who stood at the bay windows everyday and waved and had to don the PPE just to poke their head In and say hello, how are you today, what can I do to help, do you need anything.


    To the consultants who came to see me everyday, those who held my hand, those who knelt by me.


    For the messages and gifts from colleagues past and present, for the love that I felt. I remember feeling that I couldn't go on, breathing was so hard and so painful, I was okay that actually I might take my last breath. I recall saying to my nurse just as the sun was rising, I cant do this anymore! He turned to me and said you can do this, look at this ... he opened the curtains and raised my bed so i could feel the sun flood in, your life is out there, you have so much to live for, your family ...… I lay there watching the sky change colours as the day began .....I do have so much to live for. His words more powerful than he could ever realise.

    As I left the ward to start my recovery at home, I placed my heart on the recovery tree and the staff lined the corridor and clapped, it should be me applauding you all. My heart is with you all as you continue to care.

    My COVID journey isn't just about me, its the effect that is has on everyone. The outside world cannot even begin to comprehend the care that goes on in the NHS, colleagues moved from their usual jobs, new teams being built, new ways of working. And through all this not once did I ever hear anyone complain.


    You will forever be my hero's, my colleagues, my friends.


    Thank you from the bottom of my heart xx

  • Coronavirus Update 30.04.2020

    Thu 30 Apr 2020

    Thursday 30th April 2020


    Dear Parents,


    For the first time in a long while I am writing this update and it is raining outside rather than the sun shining. In fact the rain has been so heavy we had 2 ducks waddling around by the allotment, I think they thought the playground was a pond as it was that wet and shiny.


    You have probably heard more on the news about the FSM voucher system and the issues they are having due to demand. Many of you have had queries about your vouchers and Mrs Morton has added some guidance for you here  so you can see when your vouchers are likely to arrive.


    Learning packs and study guides.

    We have some packs which have still not been collected. Staff are contacting these parents to remind them that there is work for their children to complete as we are concerned that the children will fall behind with their learning as other children in their year group are working through the planned work. It is important the children try to keep up with the learning which has been set by the teachers so they keep pace with their peer group.


    Tonight the Prime Minister has announced we are past the peak of this virus, which is good news, but the social distancing measures and lockdown arrangements are still in place so please make sure that you still follow these.


    Remember that we have bagels, porridge, cereal and beans in school if you need food. Just call in at either school office and bring a bag with you.


    Stay Safe, Protect the NHS and Save Lives


    With very best wishes


     Sheila Pape
    Executive Headteacher

  • Free School Meal E-Voucher Update

    Wed 29 Apr 2020
    Please go to our Coronavirus/FSM page for important information regarding the dispatch of E-Code emails.
  • Coronavirus Update 27.04.2020

    Mon 27 Apr 2020

    Monday 27th April 2020


    Dear Parents,


    Thank you to all of you who have been in to collect learning packs for your children. We have a few which haven't been collected so if you need to collect a pack please call in to the relevant office for them as we don't want any child missing out on their learning.


    You may find you receive a phone call from a member of staff over the next week or so, or may have done so already. We are ringing to check that you are all well and if there is anything we can do to help you further. Some parents have needed support with accessing learning, food vouchers, food hampers or even just wanted a chat about how they are managing. We are focusing on those people who we haven't seen or heard from for a while, but don't let that stop you ringing into school if you need support, you don't have to wait for us to ring you. We have about 400 families to ring so it will take a while!


    If your child is attending school at the moment please remember to send in their learning packs with them as they will be completing some of this at school.


    For those of you receiving the FSM food vouchers, we have been informed that Aldi has now been added to the list of supermarkets accepting the vouchers and I believe a couple of other shops are joining soon. This gives you the freedom to shop around for bargains! If you still haven't applied for your vouchers, again, ring into school for advice on how to do this or see the details on our website.


    Bagels! We have lots of bagels in our freezers. Please come and collect some if you can make use of them. There is no criteria for having them - they are available for anyone who wants them. They are frozen so they can be transferred to your own freezer for you to use when you need them or they defrost within 30-40 minutes if you need them immediately. We are due another delivery this week so please come and collect some. It would help if you bring a bag with you to put them in.


    Large tins of baked beans - catering size! We have about 30 tins of these too, so for those of you with big families, or if you love beans, they are ideal. Once opened they can be stored in the fridge (although not in the tin - it is advised that you store them in another container) as they will then keep for about 3 days. If you would like a tin of these please call into the junior school reception - first come, first served!


    Those of you who applied for a place in year R or Year 3 should now have received notification of your allocated school. I believe that any late applications were processed recently with parents informed of the result of their application today. Year 3 places were all allocated during the 'on time application' process so we didn't have any spaces left for late applicants, and we only had 1 space for year R, which has now been allocated. It is lovely to see that South View is so popular and there is always a waiting list for parents wanting their children to attend our schools as they recognise the effort we go to in supporting our children and their families as well as the breadth of experiences they receive at the schools.


    Nursery: If you, or you know of anyone, who needs a nursery place for September please apply as soon as possible. I know at the moment it seems there are other things to think about, but we are filling up and I don't want anyone missing out on a place by leaving it too late. if you need further information on nursery places, both 15 hours and 30 hour places available, then ring into the infant school office and they will advise you on what you need to do.


    Finally, Stay Safe and I hope to see you all soon.


    With very best wishes

    Mrs Sheila Pape

  • Coronavirus Update 23.04.2020

    Thu 23 Apr 2020

    Thursday 23rd April 2020


    Dear Parents,


    On yet another beautiful day we still have to remember to keep ourselves safe by staying inside and only socialising with our own household members. We should only be leaving the house for food, medicines, our daily exercise or to go to work (if you cannot work from home).


    Again I thank my amazing staff who are working on a rota to be in work and ensure the children we are supporting in school are well looked after. Obviously we do expect that when they are not in school they maintain all of the expected lockdown procedures  and social distancing measures to ensure they are keeping you and your family safe as well as my staff.


    If your children are attending school at the moment, please remember to send them in with sun cream and or sun hat during this amazing weather as we are trying to get them outside as much as possible.


    Finally, all of the remaining study books for year 3 and 4 pupils have arrived in school and so these will be available for collection tomorrow (Friday).


    Please collect at the following times if possible to avoid too many people arriving at once:


    Surnames A - D                    9.00 – 10.00 a.m.    

    Surnames E - I                    10.00 – 11.00 a.m.  

    Surnames J - N                   11.00 – 12.00          

    Surnames O - S                   1.00 – 2.00p.m.    

    Surnames T - Z                     2.00 – 3.00p.m.   


    This now means that year groups 2 through to year 6 all have access to a set of study books which are closely tailored to the work they have /would have covered in school. In each study book you will find a recommended study schedule which explains what your child should work on and when. If you have any questions about these schedules please ring into school.


    Also be mindful that the children now have study packs, learning packs as well as a lot of on line learning - there is a danger that some children may become overwhelmed - try to help your child by planning what you want them to work on each day so that it is a sensible amount for them. Again if you need further advice from your child's class teacher then ring into school and we can organise that for you.


    If you still haven't collected your child's learning from school please do so as they are missing out on vital learning opportunities.


    If you had made an on time application for a year 3 place at South View Junior school you should have now received either an email or letter informing you of which school your child has been allocated. Those of you who made paper applications (as opposed to online) will have received a letter with the offer in it however it has been brought to my attention that there is an error on the reply slip - instead of saying 'I accept the Year 3 place' - it says the 'Year R place'.  Please just change the year R to a 3 and return to the address stated in the letter. I have informed the admission team of the mistake ( as they issue the letters) and that was the advice they gave. If you have any concerns over places then ring in to school and ask to speak to me. 


    We still have bagels in school so if you need any just come into either school's reception and we can provide these for you.  We also have cereal, porridge and baked beans available - if you could make use of these then please ring in and speak to the office staff.


    Can I remind you all that if you are arriving at school for whatever reason, that only 1 person is allowed in each reception area at any one time. If you can see there is already someone in reception then please wait until they leave before entering. If you have children with you who are not currently attending school, then they will need to wait for you outside if it is safe to do so. In both reception areas we are keeping the glass screens closed to protect the staff, I am sure you understand why this is a sensible thing to do.


    Finally - Stay Home, Protect the NHS and Save Lives and hopefully I will get to see you all fit and well at some time in the future.


    With my very best wishes


    Mrs Sheila Pape

    Executive Headteacher


  • Coronavirus Update 20.04.2020

    Mon 20 Apr 2020

    Monday 20th April 2020


    Dear Parents,


    This is without doubt the strangest start to the summer term I have ever had during my career but here we are remaining closed for at least the next 3 weeks, with no indication of a return date. I hope you are all managing to support your children with their learning but if you are struggling please don't hesitate to ring into school for some advice.


    The government today released some more ideas and lessons for the children who are at home. These will be on the website over the next few days for you to access but obviously these aren't tailored to your child's needs and our school curriculum as is the work we are setting.


    The Year 2 study books have now been delivered and are available for collection from tomorrow.


    Please try to collect your packs at the following times:

    Surnames A - C                    9.00 – 10.00 a.m.    

    Surnames D - G                  10.00 – 11.00 a.m.  

    Surnames H - L                   11.00 – 12.00          

    Surnames M - R                   1.00 – 2.00p.m.    

    Surnames S - Z                     2.00 – 3.00p.m.   


    These study books cover the curriculum the children should study in year 2, in preparation for their move to year 3. There will be some work that they have not yet covered but there is no reason why they can't be taught that at home if you feel confident enough to do so. The teachers have included an itinerary at the front of the books to show you what work needs to be covered and when. Again - any questions please don't hesitate to ring in and ask.


    Learning packs for the other year groups are still available if you haven't collected yours yet. Please call in to the respective office to collect them.


    FSM vouchers should have been arriving in your email boxes as the DfE have ironed out some of the issues they were having. If you still haven't claimed your vouchers then please do so  as soon as you can by emailing

    Mrs Freathy: n.freathy@southview-inf.hants.sch.uk

    Miss Evans: c.evans@southview-jun.hants.sch.uk


     If you haven't got an email account then please ring into school as we can organise the vouchers for you.


    Nursery places: As I said in my update last week - please remember to apply for nursery places for September.


    Finally I notice on the daily update from the government that the cases of the virus are starting to plateau and the deaths have fallen slightly over the last few days. These are all good signs but we must keep up all of the good work we have done so far. So keep up with the social distancing and the 'Stay Home: Stay Safe: Protect the NHS and save lives' message is still as strong as ever, we don't want to risk a second wave of the virus because we start to be complacent.


    Stay Safe


    Best wishes


    Sheila Pape
    Executive Headteacher




  • Coronavirus Update Letter 16.04.2020

    Thu 16 Apr 2020

    Thursday 16th April 2020  


    Dear Parents,


    Here we are nearing the end of week 4 of lockdown and I hear on the news that this has now been extended for another 3 weeks.


    School will remain open for vulnerable children and children of key workers. Please ensure you ring to book your children in. Thank you to those of you who have confirmed your requirements for next week.


    Today many of you will have found out which school you were allocated for a year R child or a Year 3 child. Please note that you should not try to bring any paperwork in,to either school until you are asked to do so. You can however, ring to inform us if you would like to accept the place or not. Both schools have been in high demand so any places not required will be offered to those who were unsuccessful in getting a place at South View schools. If you have not received any notification it may be because you applied after the deadline and these won't be processed by the admissions team until later. If you know your application wasn't late then contact the admission team directly as they are processing all of the allocations.


    Nursery: It seems a long way off but if you have children eligible to start our nursery then you need to be applying very soon. We already have a number of applications so please don't miss out by leaving it too long. We were full last year and some parents were disappointed not to get a place. If you contact the infant school we can email you the application form out to you. 



    All parents who are working, have a 3 or 4 year old and want to claim funded extended hours (30 hours free funding), MUST make sure they have applied to HMRC no later than 31 August 2020. All parents with a code, make sure your details are up to date. You must do this every three months www.gov.uk/childcareaccount


    Sign in to your childcare account

    If you're a parent registered for Tax-Free Childcare or 30 hours childcare, sign in to pay into your account, reconfirm your eligibility, update your details




    At last FSM vouchers are starting to be received by many parents but there are still many of you who have not claimed them or have claimed and not yet redeemed them. You are entitled to them if your child is eligible for FSM: £15 per child per week. If you are not sure of your eligibility or how to go about accessing the vouchers then please visit the school website where you can find the FSM eligibility criteria and link to the FSM hub as well as a parents’ guide to FSM e-codes and redeeming your e-vouchers.


    The children are continuing to produce some beautiful art work which we are adding to the gallery, and Mrs Young has today taken some rainbows to Tesco in Chineham.  So if you are visiting for your shopping - look out for South View art work.


    The message from the Government is clear - we must not give up on our lockdown and social distancing. The impact of this is working and should any of these measures be relaxed there is a huge risk of another wave of infections and more people losing loved ones.


    So: Stay Safe, Stay In, Protect the NHS and save lives.


    If your child is coming into school I do expect that, as a family, you are strictly observing all of these measures  because it only takes one child to start the spread of the virus if they, or you, are socialising with other people. You should not be visiting or socialising with anyone outside of your household, this includes not visiting grandparents, relatives, friends or anyone else. Children should not be playing with their friends. You are putting your child's and your own lives at risk if you do not follow these clear rules.


    If I feel or know that there has been a breach of these lockdown rules I will not allow the children from those families to attend the school as I am not prepared to put the other children and their families at risk - as well as my staff and their families.


    As of next week it is officially term time again so I shall be writing an update for you on a Monday and a Thursday but in the meantime if you need to speak to me about anything at all, please just ring in to either school office and leave a message and I will ring you back.


    Finally - a huge thank you to our wonderful NHS for the work they are doing during these difficult times and remember to go to your front door at 8p.m. tonight to clap for the NHS and show your support.


    With best wishes


    Sheila Pape

    Executive Headteacher

  • Coronavirus Update Letter 14.04.2020

    Tue 14 Apr 2020

    Tuesday 10th April 2020                                    


    Dear Parents,


    The lovely weather continues, which does help to lift our spirits a little despite the fact we should not be leaving home. Nevertheless I do hope you managed to have some time relaxing with your immediate family over the Bank Holiday weekend.


    Strange though it is, this is now the second week of the 'school holidays' and week 4 of lockdown. I feel these arrangements will continue for a while longer until the government are sure the peak of the virus has passed. We should all be ensuring we stay home to protect our own families and help the NHS save lives. Every time you or a family member goes out, the risk of contracting the virus increases. It is absolutely vital that every family observes this 'stay home, stay safe, protect the NHS and save lives' instruction from the government to help us protect our own families and our school family.


     Once I have received further instructions from the DfE about their plans for schools over the next few weeks I will let you know.


    Many of you have been in to school to collect learning packs for your children. If you have not been able to do so then it is not too late - please call in at the relevant school office at any time between 9.00 a.m.- 3.30 p.m.to collect these.


    We are still awaiting delivery of some study books for years 2, 3 and 4. The orders were placed a while ago but obviously the publisher has had an increase in order numbers and so some books are out of stock at the moment. Once all of the books have arrived I will let you know.


    The children who have been attending school have been participating in a huge range of activities and having so much fun. Thank you to the teachers and support staff for making their time in school so exciting for them and to those staff who are not in school, for providing so many activities for the children to do. On our school website there is also a Rainbow Gallery of some of the drawings, paintings and other incredible pictures which many of our children and their families have made. Please take a moment to have a look and if you want to add your creation to the gallery then take a photo of it and either email it to office@southview-jun.hants.sch.uk or upload it via Facebook Messenger.


    We have had a communication from the DfE that the FSM E-Voucher system experienced higher than anticipated orders  and this had an impact on the system performance.  They are expecting e-vouchers to be issued to families by 8 p.m. tonight.  If your child is entitled to FSM and you would like to apply for an e-voucher please send your email address to n.freathy@southview-inf.hants.sch.uk (infant pupils) or c.evans@southview-jun.hants.sch.uk (junior pupils).


    Over the next week we are expecting further deliveries of baked beans, porridge, cereal and bagels. Watch out for a text which will inform you what we have available and when it can be collected. In the meantime if you are struggling with feeding your family please contact either school.


    I will write another update on Thursday but in the meantime - please keep safe. When we do re-open I want to see everyone returning safe and well.


    With best wishes


    Mrs Sheila Pape

    Executive Headteacher

  • Coronavirus Update Letter 10.04.2020

    Fri 10 Apr 2020

    Friday 10th April 2020                                    


    Dear Parents,


    The incredibly fine weather seems to be continuing and it is lovely that we can enjoy it. However, please remember that we should not be out and about as this will spread the virus further. Stay in, stay safe and SAVE LIVES.


    We have now come to the end of week 3 of the lockdown and school closures. As of yet I do not know what will happen at the end of the official Easter holiday period but I hope to be able to clarify arrangements at some point next week when I know. (or hear it on the news first!)


    Learning packs: The Early Years packs are now ready for collection. These will be available on Monday at the following times from the infant school reception. Only 1 person at a time will be allowed in to collect their pack, and no children should be brought in with you. If you have to bring children with you then they will need to remain outside whilst you collect the pack. It is only a small reception area and we cannot adhere to the 2 metre distancing rule if there is more than one person in there.

    Surnames A-C    9.00 – 10.00 a.m.

    Surnames D-I   10.00 – 11.00 a.m.

    Surnames J-P    11.00 – 12.00

    Surnames Q-T    1.00 – 2.00p.m.

    Surnames U-Z    2.00 – 3.00p.m.

    We have taken delivery of some of the orders we have placed for study books for other year groups but unfortunately only some of the orders have arrived and therefore we are not yet in a position to send these out. Again, I will let you know when they are ready for collection.

    FSM vouchers: The government have decided to extend the availability of these vouchers (£15 per week per child) for the duration of the Easter holiday. If you are entitled to FSM and have not yet sent us your email address so that you can access the vouchers, then please do as soon as possible.


    For infant children send your email address to n.freathy@southview-inf.hants.sch.uk and for junior children send your email address to c.evans@southview-jun.hants.sch.uk.


    If you are not eligible for FSM but are finding it difficult to feed your family, please ring school and we will try to help you. We have different ways in which we can provide food for families so please do not be afraid to ask.


    This week has been a week of low attendance and so we amalgamated three classes into one for the latter part of the week. However next week numbers look to increase again so it may well be we revert to 2 or 3 classes. If you are eligible and would like your child to attend please ensure you ring and book them in so we can plan ahead effectively.


    I would like to say a huge thank you to all of the staff who have given up their time to work during this holiday period. Without them I certainly couldn't have offered the level of support I have been able to, particularly over the 2 Bank Holidays (today and Monday). I really feel this is going above and beyond to help support our key workers and vulnerable children in this time of need. Hopefully you are all doing your part to help support the NHS and save lives by staying in and not socialising with others outside of your household. Sadly another huge number of deaths is being reported as I type this, and the impact of some of these deaths is now being felt locally as there are friends or relatives of our community who have sadly passed away. Our thoughts go out to all of the families and friends of those affected.


    Finally I wish you all a lovely Easter Bank Holiday weekend, I hope you manage to enjoy the sunshine and spending time with family members with whom you live. 


    Stay Safe, Stay in and Save Lives. Protect our NHS who are doing an amazing job.


    If your child would like to draw a rainbow or a NHS Heroes themed picture we would love to see it and display it in a special gallery on our website. 

    To take part just take a photo of your child’s drawing and email to office@southview-jun.hants.sch.uk or upload via Facebook messenger on the South View Federation page.


    Best wishes


    Sheila Pape

    Executive Headteacher




  • Coronavirus Update Letter 07.04.2020

    Tue 07 Apr 2020

    Tuesday 7th April 2020                                    


    Good afternoon,

    I write this on yet another sunny day and although it is very tempting to go out, we must still ensure we stick rigidly to the instruction from the government to stay home, stay safe and save lives.


    The FSM vouchers should be starting to arrive in your email inbox (or your junk folder) very soon and I have been informed today that the government have agreed to extend the voucher scheme and make them accessible for the 2 weeks of the Easter holiday for those families who are eligible but whose children are not in school If you have already submitted your contact email for your e-voucher you will automatically receive them, hopefully by the end of the week. I would like to thank my admin teams who have been working very hard in coordinating this voucher scheme - it has been a time consuming exercise for them and I know they are working during this holiday period to ensure they reach you as soon as is possible. If you feel you may be eligible for FSM and have not yet sent your email address in please do so as soon as possible to avoid missing out – the vouchers are worth £15 per child per week.  It’s still not too late to register for FSM to be part of the e-voucher scheme – if you meet the criteria set out on our ‘Apply for Free School Meals page’ (under the Parents’ tab) on our website then please select the online link to the FSM Hub.  The school is notified if you are eligible so you don’t need to do any more after applying.


    Reminder about learning packs. These are available for years 1,3,4 and 5. If you haven't collected your child's pack yet please call into the relevant office. Year 6 were all given their packs before the school closed and Year 2 will be receiving some study books as soon as they are delivered to school. Learning packs for Early Years will also be available later this week.


    This week we have had fewer children attending school and so have only been running one infant class. We will review this next week when the numbers look to increase again.


    For those of you who are at home with your children and are not attending the school please remember that we are still at the end of the phone if you have any worries. We will do what we can to help and support you.


    Please take care and keep maintaining the social distancing, the washing of your hands and the staying in. I know the children will be wanting to go and visit their friends, but they must understand how dangerous that can be as they could easily be spreading the virus to another household, or bringing it back into yours.


    Stay safe.


    Best wishes


    Sheila Pape

    Executive Headteacher
