The South View Federation

'A highly cohesive haven'

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  • Parent Update 69 - 28.01.2021

    Thu 28 Jan 2021
    Dear Parents,


    I am sure you will be aware that the Prime Minister announced yesterday that schools will not fully reopen before Monday 8th March. However, we are still open for Critical Workers and vulnerable children. If you feel your child is eligible for a place, please do contact us. The criteria list can be viewed on our website.
    In the meantime, we will continue to teach the children who are in school alongside the children who are accessing home learning. The work being set is covering the same learning whether at home or at school, so it is imperative that children who are home learning complete the work every day. If they miss days, they will have significant gaps in their learning and struggle with the follow up work for the rest of that unit of work. If children have some days in school and some at home, they must access the home learning on the home days for the same reason.
    The staff are gradually covering the set curriculum planned for this term, and we have well over 95% of children accessing their home learning. It is therefore essential those who are not completing any work do so immediately, to keep pace with the learning in their class and ensure that they haven't got huge gaps in their learning when they eventually return to school.
    You may also have heard on the news that school staff are being offered Lateral Flow Device kits to test themselves and so identify any asymptomatic Covid cases, enabling them to isolate and reduce transmission of the virus.  This is another very positive step towards reducing the risk of Covid transmission within the schools.
    The DfE has also confirmed that schools will close as usual for the half term break but are not being asked to provide food vouchers:

    'Schools do not need to provide lunch parcels or vouchers during the February half-term. There is wider government support in place to support families and children outside of term-time through the Covid Winter Grant Scheme. The £170 million scheme is being run by local authorities in England, with at least 80% of the funding earmarked to support with food and essential utility costs and will cover the period to the end of March 2021. It will allow local authorities to directly help the hardest-hit families and individuals over the winter period.' 

    I will update you next week on any support, that we are aware of, which is available over the half term period.
    It is good to see that cases are gradually reducing, but we must continue to keep washing our hands, socially distancing and wearing a mask to help the situation improve even further.
    With my very best wishes

    Stay safe,

    Mrs Sheila Pape

    Executive Headteacher

  • Information for Parents - Remote Learning

    Mon 25 Jan 2021

    Please visit our 'Information for Parents' page for information on remote learning at The South View Federation.

    This information is intended to provide clarity and transparency to pupils and parents or carers about what to expect from remote education if local restrictions require entire cohorts (or bubbles) to remain at home.

  • Parent Update 68 - 21.01.2021

    Thu 21 Jan 2021

    Dear Parents,


    I am pleased to say that no further Covid cases have been reported to me since my message the other day.  Please remain vigilant, and if any family member shows any signs of the Covid symptoms please get tested and keep your children off to isolate, until you get your results, even if they seem fine. Children often have no symptoms which makes it harder to track transmission.


    Please remember that you should not be visiting other households unless they are your ONE support bubble household. You cannot have different bubbles for different reasons, and your children can't have different bubbles either. If you live in the same house you can only have one other household linked as your support bubble for childcare, or if one family consists of a single parent with children, they can have a support bubble with another family. Sadly, if these rules are not being followed, the children may not be allowed in school as they are increasing the risk of transmission due to mixing with other households, putting staff and other pupils at increased risk.


    As from next week, the infant school will have 2 classes for all year groups (except nursery) due to increasing numbers. As I have said before, please be understanding of this as the teachers cannot be teaching and supporting on-line at the same time. They will check on-line learning when they can.


    Finally - some lovely news - Mrs Clift, teacher in the junior school, gave birth to a healthy baby girl earlier this week. We wish her and her family many congratulations and look forward to seeing them at some stage in the future.


    Please remember to ring into school if you need any support or advice.


    With my very best wishes,


    Stay safe,

    Mrs Sheila Pape,

    Executive Headteacher.

  • COVID Update

    Tue 19 Jan 2021
    Dear Parents,
    I am writing to inform you that we have had a positive case of Covid 19 confirmed within the year R bubble.


    I have taken advice from the DfE and, due to the circumstances and time frame, there is no need for the school to take any further action.


    However, I did assure you all that I would keep you informed of any cases, so felt it was imperative that you were made aware. I ask that you are all extra vigilant for signs and symptoms and if in any doubt please isolate and get tested.
    Stay safe!
    Best wishes,

    Mrs Sheila Pape

    Executive Headteacher



  • Parent Update 67 - 18.01.2021

    Mon 18 Jan 2021

    Dear Parents,


    The number of children attending school has now risen significantly in year 2, as well as year R. So, as from today, both year R and both year 2 classes are open to reduce the number of children in one room. We will continue to do this in other year groups should it be needed. As I said in my update last week, where this has been necessary, it does mean that the teachers will not be able to check the on-line learning as often as they have been, as they can't be in class and on line at the same time. Please be understanding if they are not as prompt at responding as they were previously, when one of them was purely supporting the on-line learning.


    Since my update last week, many parents have responded to my request to keep us up to date about cases within the family. There has been a definite increase in cases over the last week and we have had a number of positive cases for parents, but none, as yet for any children. Please can I remind you all, that if anyone in your family has been tested due to showing symptoms, you should all be isolating until a result is received. Some parents are reporting cold like symptoms and then testing positive - so I would rather the children were kept off school until you know for certain, rather than risk transmission by sending your children to school. Test results, where they have been carried out at a walk-in test centre, do seem to be coming through very quickly at the moment - which is a good thing. If in doubt please ring school for advice. Please keep informing the school of cases and any testing, as it is helping us have a clearer picture of what is happening out in the community and I can, in turn,  update you too.


    If you receive a test result at the weekend, or a family member shows symptoms and a test is being booked for them, please let us know via the school contact form on the website. This is a secure way of contacting us as it goes straight to Mrs Morton (business manager) and she passes it on to me.


    Last week we had a visit from a Local Authority Inspector who looked at our provision for home learning. They were very impressed with what is being provided, the amount of work which the children are completing as well as the quality. I know how much time it takes to support your children with their learning, but by doing so, you are ensuring that your child is keeping pace with the new learning happening in school. So, when they do return to school, there is little catch up needed. Keep up the great work!


    The Primary Behaviour Service have put together a comprehensive support pack for parents that may be of use to you and your families during these challenging times. For full access to the resource it is best viewed in presentation mode and is available on our 'Information for Parents' page.


    It is good to hear that vaccinations are being rolled out now and hopefully that will start to help the situation further, but in the meantime, please take care and keep socially distancing.


    With my best wishes


    Stay safe,


    Mrs Sheila Pape

    Executive Headteacher

  • Parent Update 66 - 14.01.2021

    Thu 14 Jan 2021
    Dear Parents,
    We are now nearing the end of the second week of lockdown and unfortunately, I am starting to hear of a few cases of Covid within our school community. None of the cases confirmed have attended school, but nevertheless we wish them all a speedy recovery and hope that other members of their family manage to keep safe and avoid contracting this virus.  As I mentioned in my last update, even if your child is not in school, but you have a positive case within your household, please do let us know as it helps us build a picture of what is happening in our school community although these cases are not officially reported. 
    Please make sure you do all you can to keep safe. No one should be mixing with other households unless part of their one bubble they are allowed to form and keep washing your hands and maintaining social distances at all times.
    As I have said in previous updates, the numbers of children attending in Year R was high, it is now so high that we are moving to split the classes back into 2 separate classes. So, from Monday the children will revert back to their normal classes of Owl and Badger to reduce the number of children in one room. However, what this does mean is that if a positive case should be identified and some children/staff have to isolate I have no extra staff to cover the rest of the class as both year R teachers will be in school at the same time, and may both have to isolate. Also, as a result of both being in school, they will only be able to support the home learning at certain times of the day. So please be mindful of this if your child's home learning is not responded to as quickly as it has been. Previously one teacher was teaching and the other supporting the home learning. With the best will in the world they can't do both things at the same time.
    I will review the situation weekly. The rest of the Federation remains the same in that one teacher will teach their relevant year group and the other will take charge of the home learning for the week. So far this has worked very well as the children are receiving dedicated support from a teacher in their year group whether they are in school or at home.
    The Government also updated their guidance at the end of last week, stating that they now expect nurseries, attached to schools, to open for all children on roll. We believe that we have contacted everyone who attends our nursery, and a couple more children are now attending. Fortunately, at the moment, we have the staff to be able to cover all sessions.
    FSM vouchers have now been ordered by the school whilst we await the Government to clarify their voucher scheme. Hopefully they will be with those families who are eligible very soon. I felt vouchers were a better option than food hampers as the vouchers allow you more flexibility as to what to buy. Please let school know if you are struggling to provide food for your family, whether you are entitled to FSM or not.  Spotlight are providing food parcels and I could try to order one on your behalf. I do not want any of our families going hungry during these difficult times.
    Some good news is that we have received some grants from Tesco and AWE to help provide more equipment and resources for the schools. £500 was received from Tesco Bags of Help and £1000 from AWE. Thank you to both of these companies for choosing to support our schools.
    Please remember we are here for you if you need help, advice or guidance.
    Stay safe
    With my very best wishes,

    Mrs Sheila Pape

    Executive Headteacher

  • Parent Update 65 - 11.01.2021

    Mon 11 Jan 2021

    Dear Parents,


    I hope you are all keeping safe and feeling well.


    I just wanted to clarify that should you qualify as a critical worker or a vulnerable family, you can ring us at any time to book your child into school should you need to. Conversely, if you feel they would be safer at home, you can keep them at home. The latest guidance from the DfE states:

    Parents and carers who are critical workers should keep their children at home if they can.


    A quote from Dr William Welfare, Covid response director at PHE on Friday:  

     'approximately one in three people who have coronavirus have no symptoms and could be spreading it without realising it. To protect our loved ones it is essential we all stay at home where possible. This will reduce new infections and ease the pressure on the NHS and save lives.' 


    Schools have already had positive cases with their bubbles of vulnerable children and children of critical workers so you do need to be aware that having your children in school may mean they will have to isolate for 10 days should a case be reported. Obviously if this did happen I would let you know immediately. Even if your child is not in school, but you have a positive case within your household, please do let us know as it helps us build a picture of what is happening in our school community although these cases are not officially reported. 


    We have rising numbers of children attending in year R and year 3. We can accommodate anyone who needs a place in these year groups but you do need to be aware that these numbers do increase the likelihood of a case being reported in those year groups.  


    However, on the positive side, yet again the children are adhering to the expectations within school very well.


    The staff have been organised so that in each year group, one teacher is teaching in school, whilst the other sets and marks the home learning. The work in school and the home learning are following the same curriculum so the children are accessing new learning whether at home or in school.


    If there is no work posted on line by a child, or there has been no communication with the family, we will be ringing to check you are all well. If no contact is made within a week, our Parent Support Advisor will make a house call to check all is well and see if there is any further support needed. Please do not hesitate to ring in if you need help or guidance. When staff ring you regarding home learning, or for a welfare call, it may be from their own phone and show as 'No caller ID' so please answer!


    Once again we will be providing supermarket vouchers to those pupils who are eligible for free school meals.  We will be ordering the vouchers through Wonde, the same company we used to distribute vouchers for the Christmas holiday.  We select those eligible for vouchers through our Management Information System (SIMs) and once a voucher is assigned, parents will instantly get a text and /or email message asking them to select their supermarket of choice.  As the school is paying for these vouchers there may be a delay of a few days while the order and payments are processed, but once this is done the vouchers will be sent directly to parents.  It is therefore very important that we have your latest mobile and email details on our system.

    If you are not sure if we have your most up-to-date details please go to the email update form on our website:



    Each voucher will be worth £15 per week per child. They will be sent out every 2 weeks.  These are only for children who are registered as eligible for FSM and not currently in school. If your child is only attending part time we will look at these cases individually to decide on the value of the voucher to which you are entitled.

    If your circumstances have recently changed and you feel you may now be eligible to claim FSM please visit our FSM page to check the criteria and apply:


    Once this is done please use the ‘Notification of entitlement to Free School Meals’ online form to update us.

    For further guidance on Wonde vouchers please visit the FAQs on their website.



    And finally…..

    Coming soon …….. The South View Federation School App !!!


    We are excited to announce that, to improve communication with our entire school community, we will be launching a smartphone app which is free to download and works with iPhones and Android phones.

    As a school, we believe it is essential to work in partnership with parents and carers and part of this is achieved by ensuring that you receive clear, relevant and regular communications. 

    Benefits of the app for Parents and Carers will be: 

    • The app is secure; you set up a PIN/ Touch ID to access on your phone
    • The app is powered by our school website which means that when you download it, you will have a single place to receive and access important messages along with calendar events, newsletters, latest news and all information pages within the school website. 
    • It will reduce need to go searching for letters at the bottom of school bags
    • Messages appear in your inbox; you will receive secure individual and group messages as well as whole school notices 
    • We can be certain that you have received the message
    • And …..there are no character limits!!!

    The main benefits of the app for the school will be that we will be able to reduce costs, as unlike texts, messages we send are free of charge, and it will reduce our admin time by keeping all communication tools within one place.

    As you can see there is lots to be excited about!!


    As always, stay safe and if you need advice or support - just call us.


    With my very best wishes,

    Mrs Sheila Pape

    Executive Headteacher


  • Parent Update 64 - 06.01.2021

    Wed 06 Jan 2021
    Dear Parents,


    I would just like to clarify how the children are being organised during the lockdown provision.
    There is one class allocated for each year group from nursery through to year 6, including a class for Resourced Provision children at each school. We used this arrangement during the March lockdown and it worked very well. As a result of this, your child may well now be based in a different classroom although, as far as is possible, the children will be supported by teaching staff they are familiar with.
    As from this afternoon, you will need to collect your child from the following external doors:
    Nursery - nursery door
    Year R - Badger class external door
    Year 1 - Rabbit class external door
    Year 2 - Fox external door
    Hedgehog - Hedgehog door
    Year 3 - 3CB (Miss Barret's door)
    Year 4 - Door opposite staffroom (their usual collection point)
    Year 5 - 5CT (Miss Tubb's door)
    Year 6 - Playground door
    Miss Clift's class - Usual door
    As far as is possible, the learning on line will be following the learning in class to ensure the children receive the same learning opportunities. Please do not hesitate to contact your child's class teacher via the office, if you need advice or support regarding your child's learning.
    The number of children attending in Year R and Year 3 is particularly high, so we are having to apply the criteria for places very strictly. To meet the SEND criteria for attending, your child must have an EHCP or are placed in our Resourced Provision.
    Please remember we are here to support and help you should you require it.  Please note - this is Thursday's update early!
    Please take care and stay safe.


    Mrs Sheila Pape

    Executive Headteacher

  • Parent Update 63 - 05.01.2021

    Tue 05 Jan 2021
    Dear Parents,
    Thank you to so many of you for your understanding and lovely comments about the support we are providing.  I would just like to clarify what we are able to provide in a little more detail and the plan for the rest of the lockdown.
    For those children who are in school today, parents will be contacted at some point to confirm their eligibility as either a critical worker or vulnerable family and then clarify the provision they need for their child/children.
    If you have not sent your child today, but feel you meet the criteria and need your child to come to school, please can you ring either school office, between 2p.m. - 4p.m. today to book your child in for the rest of this week and next. If you are not sure if you meet criteria please ring to check.
    We will be continuing to work normal school hours: 8.30a.m. breakfast club: 8.40a.m. doors open for arrival, with doors closing at 9.10a.m. as they do currently. Collection time will be 3-3.15p.m. at both schools as from Wednesday 6th January.
    If your child is staying at home, they can access the remote learning in these ways: Nursery and Year R through their tapestry accounts; Years 1 & 2 through Purple Mash; Years 3-6 through Seesaw.
    As well as these platforms the children at the junior school can access Mathletics, Spelling Shed, Maths Shed and in Year 6 they have Read Theory as well.
    I will continue to send updates, as I did during the previous lockdown, on a Monday and a Thursday. Please do keep checking the school website for other information and guidance too.
    Please remember that you are not on your own. There are people in school to support you, so even if your children are not in school, and you feel you need some advice or support, don't hesitate to contact us.
    I wish you all the best and stay safe.


    Mrs Sheila Pape
    Executive Headteacher


  • Critical workers and Childcare Support Bubbles

    Mon 04 Jan 2021

    For further information on critical workers please visit: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-maintaining-educational-provision/guidance-for-schools-colleges-and-local-authorities-on-maintaining-educational-provision


    For information regarding how you can get informal childcare for anyone under 14 from friends and family you do not live with by making a childcare bubble with another household please visit:


