The South View Federation

'A highly cohesive haven'

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  • Important Covid Advice Letter to All Parents 30.03.2021

    Tue 30 Mar 2021

    Please click the link below to read an important letter regarding Covid advice for all parents.


    Advice to All Parents 30.03.2021

  • Parent Update 77 - 28.03.2021

    Sun 28 Mar 2021

    Dear Parents and Carers,


    As you are aware we were informed on Friday afternoon that we had a positive Covid case at each school. Advice from the DfE and the Local Authority was followed with Year 2 and Year 4 children, as well as staff who had had close contact, now isolating. We wish those who are unwell a speedy recovery.


    Just to clarify: The last day of isolation for Year 2 children is Saturday 3rd April, whereas for the year 4 children it is Friday 2nd April. This is due to different contact dates with the cases involved. During the isolation period, if your child or any member of your household starts to show symptoms then your whole household must isolate and a test arranged.


    I know some of you may well have decided to have your child tested anyway once you heard about the positive case, however, even if the result is negative, they still have to isolate for the full 10 days to allow time for any symptoms to develop.


    During this period of isolation, on line learning will be set for the children as it was during the lockdown. Their teachers will be working from home to do this. Those children who are entitled to a Free School Meal can order a lunch via the school website, this will need to be collected by an adult who is not isolating. The child cannot be brought to the school with them.


    I also recognise that many of you may have siblings to bring to school. They are entitled to attend school but the child who is isolating MUST remain at home, appropriately supervised. If this causes anyone concern or anxiety, as you are not able to bring siblings to school and supervise the isolating child, then the siblings can remain at home too and we will provide home learning for them as well. Please ring the school office to let us know this is what you are doing. Should you require the use of a school laptop to access the home learning, again, contact the school.


    Easter Holidays

    We break up for the Easter holidays on Thursday at the normal time.

    As before, those families who are eligible for Free School Meals will be issued with food vouchers for the Easter holidays. These will be arranged in the same way as they have been for previous holidays.


    LFD tests

    As mentioned in my last update, LFD tests are available from the Anvil for any adult who has school aged children. These tests are for all of the adults in your household. If you haven’t already been to the Anvil to collect your tests, please do so as soon as you can. I believe you can just call in, no booking required.


    Important Reminder

    If your child is unwell you should keep them at home as you would usually do. If they, or any members of your household, display Covid like symptoms, children must not come to school and you must arrange for the symptomatic person to be tested and remain in isolation until the results are returned. If the result is positive then the whole household must isolate.

    If a member of your household is unwell and you are not sure if it is Covid related, I would rather you acted cautiously and rang the school for advice, before sending children to school.


    Change in Lockdown rules

    As from Monday 29th March, lockdown rules are changing very slightly. 6 people or 2 households can now meet up either in a public space or a private garden.

    However, the fact remains that the more people who meet together, the greater the risk of contracting or spreading the virus. So, we are keeping our arrangements as they currently are until we break up for the Easter holidays on Thursday.


    These arrangements are: one adult should bring/collect your child/children to and from school.

    Please keep your children close beside you at all times so that they are not mixing with other children. It defeats the object of us keeping them separate in school if they then mix together on the way home! If your child has mixed with a year 2 or year 4 child on the way home, or out of school, then you might want to monitor them closely.


    Be aware of others on the paths, giving space where necessary, to allow people to pass each other safely.

    Parents should observe social distancing from other adults and children at all times and should not gather together either inside or immediately outside of the school grounds as this is not allowed. I know this will be difficult when some of you haven’t met up for some time, but the more people who meet together, the higher the risk of any transmission.

    We want to try and avoid any further cases so please do follow the rules for your own safety and the safety of the rest of the school community.


    Finally, we were made aware of a man acting strangely outside of school on Thursday at the end of the day. Senior staff patrolled the local area, including all of the access paths to the school, but no one was seen. Everyone outside of the school was accounted for and there for a legitimate reason. I believe the police were called but they have not made contact with the school so I am not sure if they attended. However, as always, please be vigilant. Children are continuously being reminded not to speak to strangers nor go with them. We will continue to have staff monitor the gates during this coming week.


    With my very best wishes,

    Mrs Sheila Pape

    Executive Headteacher

  • Important Covid advice letter to all Parents

    Fri 26 Mar 2021

    Please click the link below to read an important letter regarding Covid advice for all parents.


    Covid Advice Letter 26.03.2021

  • Comic Relief 2021

    Fri 19 Mar 2021

    Comic Relief 2021


    This year has shown that we’re at our best when we come together to be kind and look out for others.  The smallest things really can make a big difference.


    Red Nose Day is about using the power of fun to brighten people’s lives, in the UK and around the world.


    On Friday 19th March we are going to make The South View Federation an even brighter place to be by dressing in our brightest clothes!

    Anything from high-vis jackets to neon socks or just bright clothes will do. You can also wear comic relief merchandise, however, this year due to COVID-19 we will not be permitting red noses in school.


    To avoid money coming into school we will not be collecting a donation on the day, however, please donate what you can online at



    Thank you all for your support and we cannot wait to see your bright clothes!!

  • Parent Update 76 - 08.03.2021

    Mon 08 Mar 2021

    Dear Parents,


    It was lovely to see all of the children back today. We had over 98% attendance which was fantastic. Good attendance is essential now to ensure the children are at school to access the learning they need to cover by the end of the year. I sincerely hope there are no more lockdowns in the future.


    The children settled in so well today and I saw so many smiling and happy faces, it was lovely to see they were genuinely pleased to be back in school.


    As I said in a previous update, lockdown rules still apply and government guidance states that only one adult should collect a child and then leave the site immediately. Adults should not be interacting with other adults as this is not allowed under lockdown rules. Please ensure you have your child/children by your side and then leave the site.


    Tonight, both Mr Bond and I noticed children up trees, in the crater, on the trim trail - they MUST be by your side. We go out of our way to keep the children in their separate bubbles in school, to keep them safe, they are then seen to be mixing with other children in other year groups which then puts them, and others, at risk of transmitting the virus. In effect, if a 'bubble' has to be closed due to a confirmed case and your child has been seen mixing with that bubble after school, I am afraid they will need to isolate too.


    However, it was good to see so many of you respecting the lockdown and trying to keep us all safe, but we need everyone to follow the rules to ensure we keep everyone as safe as possible.


    Thank you to those of you who passed on their thanks for the work we are doing in school, it is greatly appreciated.


    As we are now back full time, I will only write an update when there is information which I need to share. You will continue to receive a text to let you know an update has been posted on the website.


    Sadly, I know a number of parents have lost their jobs during this pandemic. If you feel you are now eligible for Free School Meals, then please contact either office, or access the link on our website, to see if you qualify. If you do, this will allow extra funding for your child as well as providing them with a free school lunch. Do not miss out on your entitlements!


    Those of you who were provided with a school laptop to access online learning, please can you return them as soon as possible as we will be needing them for use in school.


    Please continue to follow the lockdown rules and stay safe


    With my very best wishes,


    Mrs Sheila Pape

    Executive Headteacher

  • Science Week 2021

    Fri 05 Mar 2021

    Next week (8th -14th March) is British Science Week, a celebration of science, technology, engineering and maths.


    The official science week theme for 2021 is ‘Innovating the Future’ and we will be following this theme by exploring scientists, inventors and important creations throughout the week. In addition to this, we will be also undertaking some exciting experiments to answer the question ‘Can we create a rainbow?’ so that the children across the Federation can experience the awe and wonder of science.


    It has been a difficult year due to the Covid19 pandemic, however the rainbow has been a symbol of hope for the future and a reminder of our wonderful NHS. As well as celebrating Science Week through activities at school, we are holding a competition for you to enjoy as a family at home.


    We would like you to experiment with creating your own rainbows and upload photographs and videos of your creations to either Tapestry (Nursery and Year R) Purple Mash (Infants) or Seesaw (Juniors) - prizes will be awarded for the best rainbows!


    Some ideas will be uploaded to Tapestry, Purple Mash and Seesaw, but there are many other ideas available online (www.pinterest.com has some lovely ideas for experiments).


    Please upload your rainbow entries by Monday 15th March. We hope you have lots of fun exploring the wonderful world of science and we can’t wait to see your rainbows!


    Miss Mann

    (Junior School Science Manager)


    Mrs Holley

    (Infant School Science Manager)

  • Parent Update 75 - 04.03.2021

    Thu 04 Mar 2021

    Dear Parents,


    We are truly looking forward to welcoming all of the children back on Monday. It will be really important that the children are helped to get back into a routine ready for Monday. Please try to ensure they get plenty of sleep over the weekend so getting up for school on Monday is not too much of a shock for them!


    As the government have clearly stated, all children are expected to return unless they have medical exemption from a consultant. If children do not return it will be marked as an unauthorised absence as previous absence procedures are to be followed. This does mean the re-introduction of fines for non- attendance in line with local authority guidance. I am not anticipating this being an issue, as last time we returned to school we had almost a full turn out except for a few children who were unwell or isolating. However, I do need to make you aware that fines will be used as they were before lockdown, for unauthorised absences.



    With effect from Monday, please note the PE days below when the children should be coming to school in their PE kits:


    At the Infant school

    Rabbit Class - Monday and Wednesday 

    Robin Class - Monday and Thursday 

    Ladybird Class - Tuesday 

    Mole Class - Tuesday and Thursday 

    Woodpecker Class - Tuesday and Friday 

    Hedgehog Class - Wednesday and Thursday 

    Fox Class - Wednesday and Friday 


    At the Junior school

    6KY  -Thursday

    6KM - Tuesday

    5RM - Tuesday and Friday

    5CT - Wednesday and Friday

    4CA - Monday and Tuesday

    4AB - Wednesday and Friday

    3ES- Tuesday and Thursday

    3CB- Monday and Wednesday

    Mrs Clift's Class- Monday and Tuesday



    Sanitising and cleaning regimes will continue but it will help if you can also remind your children to wash their hands before leaving the house and when they return home at the end of the day.

    Some parents brought gel so that they could gel their child's hands as they left school, especially if you intend to provide them with something to eat or drink. They will continue with washing their hands and using gel in school, as they were during the autumn term.


    As before, if anyone in your household develops symptoms, you must keep all family members at home and get the symptomatic person tested. Better to be safe than sorry! 


    Great News - I have now received information from the DfE regarding home testing for adults with school age children:


    Asymptomatic testing information for parents and adults in households with children at school or college

    NHS Test and Trace announced earlier this week, that all adults in households with school and college age children without symptoms can now access regular rapid coronavirus (COVID-19) testing.


    Test kits can either be collected or ordered online, as set out below. 

    Undertaking regular, rapid coronavirus (COVID-19) testing helps reduce transmission of the virus. Parents and other adults in households with children at school or college, who do not have symptoms, can now access regular, rapid coronavirus (COVID-19) testing. This includes childcare and support bubbles.

    Tests are fast, easy and completely free.


    There are different ways for a household, childcare or support bubble to collect their test to take at home, twice-weekly:

    • through your employer, if they offer testing to employees
    • by collecting a home test kit from a local test site – anyone aged 18 or over can collect 2 packs of 7 tests
    • by ordering a home test kit online – please do not order online if you can access testing through other routes, this frees up home delivery for those who need it most


    Our local collection site is The Anvil and it is open from 1.30p.m. until 7p.m. every day. 

    If you have any queries about the tests, and you live in England, please call 119 (free from mobiles and landlines). Lines are open every day from 7am to 11pm.


    Children of primary school age (and below) without symptoms are not being asked to take a test.


    Testing is voluntary, but strongly recommended to all who are eligible. Alongside the vaccine, washing hands, wearing face coverings, and maintaining social distancing, rapid testing plays a vital role in reducing transmission rates. Getting into the habit of regular testing as part of our everyday lives will help us all to play our part and do what we can to protect each other.


    These kits are very easy to use but if you do have any queries about using them please just give school a call - we are all used to them now and can easily help you start on your testing regime.


    I look forward to seeing you all next week..


    If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact school.


    In the meantime, best wishes and stay safe.


    Mrs Sheila Pape

    Executive Headteacher
