The South View Federation

'A highly cohesive haven'

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  • Update 57 - 20.07.2020

    Mon 20 Jul 2020

    Dear Parents and Carers,


    Here is my final update for this academic year. It has been a difficult time for everyone and it isn’t over yet, so we do need to be mindful of this over the summer and keep up with the social distancing.


    Over the summer the Government will be sending me an update every week and then further extended guidance the week before we are due to return. I will provide you all with an update before we return to school, following on from that guidance. You will be sent a text alert to let you know there is an update for you to read. I hope it doesn’t involve too many changes to what I have outlined below, but I guess that will all depend on what happens over the holidays and how sensible everyone has been in trying to control the virus.


    September Arrangements:

    As you will have seen on the news, all children are expected to return to school at the beginning of term unless there are extreme medical needs for the child.



    As from September our ‘school families’ will be based on year groups, as this will allow children from each class, within a year group, to receive interventions, share events and go on visits together.


    For children in our Resourced Provision, they will be in their own RP class full time, as they will be mixing with other RP children on transport so it would not be sensible to then send them all to a different mainstream class. This means Hedgehog class at the infants, and Mrs Clift’s class at the juniors, will remain in their RP class all day but will still cover the work their year group are covering.


    Arrival and Collection

    I have decided to go for an ‘arrival window’ for all, rather than staggered start times. The window of arrival will be 8.40-9.10 for all children, so you can bring your children at any point during this time.


    Nursery collection: 3.15-3.30

    Infant collection: 3-3.15

    Junior collection: 3-3.20 (if children have not been collected by 3.20 they will be allowed to go home at 3.20 as usual)


    Children will enter and leave school through their classroom external door with the exception of years 4 and 6. Year 4 will use the external door opposite the staffroom and Year 6 will use the dolphin door (the children will know where these are)


    Breakfast Club

    Breakfast club will run from 8.30-9.00 exactly as it does now but children must arrive before 8.40 to get their order in and give them time to eat before lessons start at 9. Children will go to their own classroom, orders taken and then food delivered. Breakfast can only be provided for vulnerable and key worker children. If you would like your child to have breakfast please make sure you return the booking form, which you should have received already, by Wednesday 22nd July at 12.30p.m.

    Only children who are entitled to have breakfast will be allowed into class before 8.40 a.m.



    There will not be any group assemblies but each class will provide an assembly each day.

    Friday assembly will be held 2.45-2.55 where each class teacher will award the usual certificates in their own room. Mrs Waters and Mrs Turnnidge will then arrive with birthday cards/ attendance award etc. if there are any for that class.



    Playtimes will be staggered and children will play with their class members in a designated area.


    Infant school:

    Year 1: 10.15-10.30

    Year 2: 10.30-10.45


    Junior school:

    Lower school: 10.20-10.35

    Upper school: 10.40-10.55            


    There will not be a tuck shop at the junior school – children need to bring a healthy snack such as a piece of fruit but definitely no sweets.



    Lunchtime will also be staggered and, as they are at the moment, children will eat in their own classrooms. They will then have some time to play with their class in their designated area.



    Nursery and year R will eat in the hall from 11.45 a.m.

    Year 1 will eat in their classrooms from 12 p.m. -12.30 p.m.; play 12.30 p.m.- 1p.m.

    Year 2 will play 12 p.m. -12.30 p.m.; eat in their classrooms from 12.30 p.m.-1p.m..



    Year 3 & 4 will eat in their classrooms from 12 p.m. - 12.30 p.m.; play 12.30 p.m. -1 p.m..

    Years 5 & 6 will play 12 p.m.- 12.30 p.m.; eat in their classrooms from 12.30 p.m. -1 p.m.


    Children will be washing their hands frequently, especially before eating. Gel will also be provided. All tables will be cleaned before and after eating too. The children are in good habits with their hand washing routines now and these will continue.


    If you pay for lunches, please can you pay on-line so as to reduce the need to handle money in the office. Should you need to know how to pay on line, please call the junior school office and they will be able to help you.



    The recent Government guidance does not expect that each ‘school family’ has their own toilet facilities but we do have enough facilities to be able to allocate dedicated toilets for each class at both schools. This will further reduce the likelihood of any virus transmission as children are not mixing with other ‘school families’ when they visit the toilet.



    In line with Government guidance all tables must be facing front with children sitting side by side and a space between tables.


    Each child will have their own pencil case and equipment.


    Adults, when supporting a child, will stand alongside them, not face to face and spend only a short while within 1 metre of them.

    When coming in from lunch/play, children who sit furthest from the door will go into class first so that they do not have to pass other children to get to their seat.

    Handwashing on arrival at school is essential and children should wash their hands before they leave home and when they arrive home.

    Good respiratory hygiene will be taught: Coughs and sneezes must be covered, then hands washed and surfaces wiped.

    The ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ approach continues to be very important and should be reinforced at home.


    If there was a suspected case of coronavirus

    If a child showed symptoms, they would be taken to a room which can be closed off, windows opened and the child supervised from a social distance with staff wearing PPE. The whole room would then be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected afterwards. The expectation is that the child and their household will isolate and book for a test to be taken. The Government have made it clear that parents are expected to engage in this process and with the Test and Trace process should the test come back positive. Obviously this is an essential way of keeping cases down. If the test came back as positive the whole household have to continue to isolate for 14 days to allow time for any symptoms to develop.

    In school we would ask PHE (Public Health England) for advice as to what was required. It may be just that child’s ‘school family’ needed to be sent home to isolate or it could be just their class, in extreme cases it could be the whole school.  Obviously we want to keep this to a minimum which is why we are trying to keep children in their classes as much as possible to reduce the likelihood of large numbers of children having to isolate.



    School libraries will not be used for changing books as this could increase transmission. However, plans are in place to provide ‘class’ libraries. Mrs Boseley, Mrs Flynn and Miss Sheldon are working on these plans to ensure children can still progress with their reading.


    ELSA support

    ELSA support will continue to be provided but not in large groups. Where possible ELSAs will work outside in our various outside areas, or in larger spaces. They will only work 1:1 in their own rooms if they are socially distanced and with windows open for good ventilation.


    Free School Meal Vouchers 

    You will be aware that the Government have agreed to fund FSM vouchers for the summer. Those of you who are eligible will be entitled to a £90 voucher per child. You should receive these towards the end of this week but you can only use them once the holidays begin.


    Stubbington Residential

    Every year we offer a residential visit to the year 5/6 children. Please see your child’s seesaw account for current year 4 and 5 for further information about this.


    Childcare during the holidays

    The government have issued guidelines for parents and carers regarding childcare during the holidays amid the coronavirus outbreak. This document is on our school website for you to read.



    Those of you who have borrowed laptops or similar devices from school, please can you return them to the junior school office by Friday 17th July so that they can be cleaned and prepared for September.


    Parking and Permits

    Thank you. There has been a reduction in the number of people driving onto the school site. If you need a permit for September please contact the infant office.



    We still have some nursery places available for September. We do provide 30 hours of care if you require it. Unlike other local nurseries, because the nursery is part of the school, we have a full time, qualified teacher leading the nursery. This means that they receive a good foundation in their learning and experience quality teaching right from their first day. Please contact the infant school office if you would like further details, or to register your child for a place.


    Last day

    Please remember that all children finish school on Wednesday 22nd July at 12.30p.m. as we would usually do at the end of the summer term. Children will have their lunch before they go home. However, you can collect your child anytime between 12.15 and 12.30p.m. as this will reduce the number of people arriving on site at the same time. Children who walk home will be allowed to leave school at 12.30p.m. Nursery children who only stay for a morning session can be collected at 11.45a.m. as usual.


    Please note there is still no crossing patrol at the moment.


    Finally, I hope you all have a lovely holiday and stay safe. It has been a very strange time for all of us so let’s hope there is some good news on the horizon and we can get back to some sort of normal in September.


    Keep socially distancing and washing your hands!

    Stay safe.

    With my very best wishes,

    Mrs Sheila Pape

  • Update 56 - 16.07.2020

    Thu 16 Jul 2020

    Dear Parents and Carers,


    The sunshine seems to be back which is lovely for us all.


    Please remember that we finish school on Wednesday 22nd July at 12.30 p.m. as we would usually do at the end of the summer term. Children will have their lunch before they go home.


    Free School Meal Vouchers

    You will be aware that the Government have agreed to fund FSM vouchers for the summer. Those of you who are eligible will be entitled to a £90 voucher per child. You should receive these towards the end of this week but you can only use them once the holidays begin.


    Stubbington Residential

    Every year we offer a residential visit to the year 5/6 children. Please see your child’s seesaw account for current year 4 and 5 for further information about this.


    Childcare during the holidays

    The government have issued guidelines for parents and carers regarding childcare during the holidays amid the coronavirus outbreak. This document is on our school website for you to read.  Click here to go to the guidance.


    September Full Opening

    As outlined in the government guidance, they have stated that they are expecting schools to fully re open in September and all children should attend. There is a huge amount of guidance which schools have been given to follow, as well as suggestions on how to minimise risk, once all of the children return.


    Full details of how this has been organised for South View Federation will be published in my Monday update. There has been a lot to consider and I want to make sure every aspect is covered.


    Library Books

    Thank you to so many of you for returning library books. We are still missing quite a few so please check your children’s bedrooms carefully as every book we have to replace means 1 less new book can be bought. There is a box in both reception areas where you can hand them in.


    Reading books

    Please can you return any reading books you may have at home. We cannot afford for these to go missing as they are very expensive to replace and cannot usually be replaced on an individual basis but replaced as sets. Any lost books will need to be charged for to ensure that other children have the full range of reading material your child had. We still have a lot of books missing!



    Those of you who have borrowed laptops or similar devices from school, please can you return them to the junior school office by Friday 17th July so that they can be cleaned and prepared for September.


    Parking and Permits

    Thank you. There has been a reduction in the number of people driving onto the school site. If you need a permit for September please contact the infant office.



    We still have some nursery places available for September. We do provide 30 hours of care if you require it. Unlike other local nurseries, because the nursery is part of the school, we have a full time, qualified teacher leading the nursery. This means that they receive a good foundation in their learning and experience quality teaching right from their first day. Please contact the infant school office if you would like further details, or to register your child for a place.


    Keep socially distancing and washing your hands!

    Stay safe.

    With my very best wishes

    Mrs Sheila Pape

    Executive Headteacher


  • Holiday Child Care Guidance

    Thu 16 Jul 2020

    Guidance for Parents and Carers on choosing holiday child care during the Covid19 outbreak.


    Please visit our information for parents page.

  • Update 55 - 13.07.2020

    Mon 13 Jul 2020

    Dear Parents and Carers,


    Here we are in the last full week of the summer term. Please remember that we finish school on Wednesday 22nd July at 12.30p.m. as we would usually do at the end of the summer term. Children will have their lunch before they go home.


    Happy News!

    I am delighted to inform you that we have more baby news at the junior school: both Mrs Dyer and Mrs Clift are expecting a baby in the late autumn/early spring. We send our congratulations to them both. Also we have Mrs Allen starting her maternity leave at the end of this term so we look forward to her announcement in the early autumn.


    Annual reports

    We still have a number of reports which have not yet been collected. You can now collect them at any time as I am sure your children will be wanting to know which class they are going into next year.


    Once you have collected your child’s report and know which class your child will be moving in to in September, you and your child/children can watch the video prepared by the staff, as a way of introducing themselves to you. Junior videos can be watched through Seesaw and Infant videos through Purple Mash.


    Obviously we are unable to provide a face to face parents’ evening but should you wish to discuss the report with your child’s class teacher then please complete the reply slip in the report and return it to school and the teacher will be in touch. Alternatively you can ring in to request a call, and the teacher will ring you back when they are available to do so.


    Free School Meal Vouchers:

    You will be aware that the Government have agreed to fund FSM vouchers for the summer. Those of you who are eligible will be entitled to a £90 voucher per child. You should receive these towards the end of this week but you can only use them once the holidays begin.


    Library Books

    Thank you to so many of you for returning library books. We are still missing quite a few so please check your children’s bedrooms carefully as every book we have to replace means 1 less new book can be bought. There is a box in both reception areas where you can hand them in.



    Reading books

    Please can you return any reading books you may have at home. We cannot afford for these to go missing as they are very expensive to replace and cannot usually be replaced on an individual basis but replaced as sets. Any lost books will need to be charged for to ensure that other children have the full range of reading material your child had. We still have a lot of books missing!



    Those of you who have borrowed laptops or similar devices from school, please can you return them to the junior school office by Friday 17th July so that they can be cleaned and prepared for September.


    Parking and Permits

    Thank you. There has been a reduction in the number of people driving onto the school site. If you need a permit for September please contact the infant office.



    We still have some nursery places available for September. We do provide 30 hours of care if you require it. Unlike other local nurseries, because the nursery is part of the school, we have a full time, qualified teacher leading the nursery. This means that they receive a good foundation in their learning and experience quality teaching right from their first day. Please contact the infant school office if you would like further details, or to register your child for a place.


    Keep socially distancing and washing your hands!

    Stay safe.

    With my very best wishes,

    Mrs Sheila Pape

    Executive Headteacher









  • Update 54 - 09.07.2020

    Thu 09 Jul 2020

    Dear Parents and Carers,


    Today we finished the last of the transition visits for the year 2 children with an excellent turn out and it was lovely to see you all at the junior school. If you were one of the very few unable to attend please contact the school as soon as possible so that you can collect your child’s new book bag and paperwork.


    All paperwork should be completed and returned to the junior school by Friday 17th  July please.


    Annual reports

    We still have a number of reports which have not yet been collected. You can now collect them at any time as I am sure your children will be wanting to know which class they are going into next year.


    Once you have collected your child’s report and know which class your child will be moving in to in September, you and your child/children can watch the video prepared by the staff, as a way of introducing themselves to you. Junior videos can be watched through Seesaw and Infant videos through Purple Mash.


    Obviously we are unable to provide a face to face parents’ evening but should you wish to discuss the report with your child’s class teacher then please complete the reply slip in the report and return it to school and the teacher will be in touch. Alternatively you can ring in to request a call, and the teacher will ring you back when they are available to do so.


    Year 6

    Sadly we are not going to be able to give the year 6 the send-off we usually do, but we do want an opportunity for us to say goodbye to them and for them to say goodbye to each other. The current year 6 are the cohort who were in year 2 when I joined the infant school in the summer of 2016 so it has been incredible to see them flourish.


    On Tuesday 14th July, Mrs McGuinnity’s class are invited to a picnic on the school field from 1-2p.m. and Mrs Young’s class picnic will be on Wednesday 15th July. If your child is currently attending school they will join in with the party anyway.


    Please bring your own packed lunch as food cannot be shared under the current Covid arrangements. The children will be given the chance to write a message (on a post it note) to their friends and class mates which will then be made into a ‘souvenir’ for them to take away with them. There will be no signing of shirts, or close contact allowed due to Covid restrictions. This will be tough for some of them as there is usually a lot of cuddling and hugging going on when they part, but they will have to try to be sensible and hopefully understand why we need to say this.


    They do not need to wear school uniform. Only the main gates will be open at this time.


    Road Safety for Year 6 Pupils.

    Please also look at the school website where The Road Safety Team have issued a Transition Road Safety leaflet for Parents and Guardians of Year 6 Pupils.

    This will help you plan their travel to school safely.


    There is also a Primary Road Safety update for Parents and Guardians of all primary aged children.


    These leaflets are in the Information for Parents section.


    Library Books

    Thank you to so many of you for returning library books. We are still missing quite a few so please check your children’s bedrooms carefully as every book we have to replace means 1 less new book can be bought. There is a box in both reception areas where you can hand them in.


    Reading books

    Please can you return any reading books you may have at home. We cannot afford for these to go missing as they are very expensive to replace and cannot usually be replaced on an individual basis but replaced as sets. Any lost books will need to be charged for to ensure that other children have the full range of reading material your child had. We still have a lot of books missing!



    Those of you who have borrowed laptops or similar devices from school, please can you return them to the junior school office by Friday 17th July so that they can be cleaned and prepared for September.


    Parking and Permits

    Can I remind you that parking on site is not allowed, even under the current circumstances. Due to the extended arrival and collections times there are even more people walking about the site than usual so please park outside of the school and walk your child into the grounds.


    If you have a current parking permit then please contact the infant school office to find out if you are still eligible for a new one to be issued for the next academic year. If you need to enquire about a permit, again contact the infant school office.


    September Opening

    Once finalised, I will explain my plans for September in one of my updates. I do not have a crystal ball, and am very aware that the situation could well change over the summer holidays, hopefully for the better. Should there be any significant changes I will ensure that an update is put onto the website and a text sent to alert you to this. However in the meantime the plans are being based on the Government Guidance issued recently.


    Keep socially distancing and washing your hands!


    Stay safe.


    With my very best wishes,


    Mrs Sheila Pape


  • Y6 Transition Road Safety

    Tue 07 Jul 2020 The Road Safety Team

    Your child is starting their journey on to Secondary School soon and you may have some worries about the transition to this stage of their life and we want to support you with their safety to and from school, which may be their first regular independent journey.


    Please click on this link for helpful transition advice from the Road Safety Team.


  • Update 53 - 06.07.2020

    Mon 06 Jul 2020

    Dear Parents and Carers,

    Here we are in the penultimate last full week of school. In the 18 years I have been at South View I have never known such a strange time in school but everyone has been amazing, especially the children, who have really taken on board the new arrangements and expectations.


    I would like to say thank you to everyone for being so supportive during these times and for reading the updates so you know what is happening and turning up at the right time to collect things!


    This morning we had a 100% turn out for the first year 2 transition visits for parents and children, and the year 2 children who are currently attending who were in school today had their visit to the junior school too. All of the children were very excited and asked lots of questions.


    The rest of the arrangements are below:


    Year 2 transition to the Junior School

    Everyone should have received a text informing them of the class their child will be in, in year 3. This will either be Miss Sheldon or Miss Barrett’s class. The plan to allow the children an opportunity to visit the junior school, see their new classroom and briefly meet their new teacher is as follows:


    For year 2 children not currently attending, we are offering a visit on the following days:


    Children in Miss Sheldon’s class: 

    • Wednesday 8th July       10a.m.              Surnames E-G
    • Wednesday 8th July       11a.m.              Surnames H-J
    • Wednesday 8th July       1.15p.m.           Surnames K-P
    • Wednesday 8th July       2.00p.m.           Surnames S-W

    Children in Miss Barrett’s class:

    • Thursday 9th July           10a.m.              Surnames A-I
    • Thursday 9th July           11a.m.              Surnames J-M
    • Thursday 9th July           1.15p.m.           Surnames N-R
    • Thursday 9th July           2.00p.m.           Surnames S-Z

    You (one adult only) should bring your child to the junior school hall doors for the day/time stated above. Your child will then be escorted, in a small group, through the school to see key rooms (dining room, library etc.) ending up in their year 3 classroom. They will meet their new teacher, spending about 15 minutes in their new classroom, and will then leave by the external classroom door where they will be collected by the adult who brought them. This will allow the adults to see where the end of day collection point is.
    Whilst the children are having their mini tour, the adults can either wait in the hall, or outside, but will be shown by a staff member where to collect their children from when the visit has finished. This visit should take no longer than 30 minutes in total. I will be on hand to answer any questions parents may have. You will also be given their transition pack and new book bag. I do hope as many of you as possible can attend so that the children feel more confident about this new start for them.
    Annual reports
    Today was the first day for collecting annual reports. Thank you to so many of you for coming in so promptly.
    If your child is currently attending school, they were sent home today with your child.
    If your child is not attending school, reports can be collected, by an adult, at the following times:
    Tuesday 7th July:

    • Year 1 (9a.m.-3p.m.),
    • Year 3 (9a.m.-12.30p.m.)
    • Year 5 (12.30p.m.- 3p.m.)


    Wednesday 8th July:

    • Year R and nursery (9a.m.-3p.m.)

    If you miss the allocated slot for collection, you can collect reports anytime on Thursday and Friday of this week.
    If you have children in more than one year group, you can collect all of their reports at one time. Please go to the relevant school to collect the reports.
    Obviously we are unable to provide a face to face parents’ evening but should you wish to discuss the report with your child’s class teacher then please complete the reply slip in the report and return it to school and the teacher will be in touch. Alternatively you can ring in to request a call, and the teacher will ring you back when they are available to do so.
    Once you have collected your child’s report and know which class your child will be moving in to in September, you and your child/children can watch the video prepared by the staff, as a way of introducing themselves to you.
    If you have a year 4 child they can access the video NOW on Seesaw and for year 2, they can access the video on Purple Mash. Here they will see a message from their new teacher and any other adults who work regularly in their classroom.
    Tomorrow the rest of the junior videos will be available on Seesaw and the year 1 videos on Purple Mash.
    Staffing for 2020-2021
    This is how the staffing is organised for September:

    •  Nursery         Mrs Wortley
    • Year R            Mrs Warren and Miss Clews
    • Year 1             Mrs Kaval/Miss Lee and Mrs Holley
    • Year 2             Mrs Flynn and Miss Thomas
    • Year 3             Miss Sheldon and Miss Barrett
    • Year 4             Miss Allen and Mrs Arrol/Mrs Backham
    • Year 5             Miss Tubb and Miss Mann
    • Year 6             Mrs Young and Mrs McGuinnity

    Year 6
    Sadly we are not going to be able to give the year 6 the send-off we usually do, but we do want an opportunity for us to say goodbye to them and for them to say goodbye to each other. This year 6 are the cohort who were in year 2 when I joined the infant school in the summer of 2016 so it has been incredible to see them flourish.
    On Tuesday 14th July, Mrs McGuinnity’s class are invited to a picnic on the school field from 1-2p.m. and Mrs Young’s class picnic will be on Wednesday 15th July. If your child is currently attending school they will join in with the party anyway.
    Please bring your own packed lunch as food cannot be shared under the current Covid arrangements. The children will be given the chance to write a message (on a post it note) to their friends and class mates which will then be made into a ‘souvenir’ for them to take away with them. There will be no signing of shirts, or close contact allowed due to Covid restrictions. This will be tough for some of them as there is usually a lot of cuddling and hugging going on when they part, but they will have to try to be sensible and hopefully understand why we need to say this.
    They do not need to wear school uniform. Only the main gates will be open at this time.


    Library Books
    Thank you to so many of you for returning library books. We are still missing quite a few so please check your children’s bedrooms carefully as every book we have to replace means 1 less new book can be bought. There is a box in both reception areas where you can hand them in.
    Reading books
    Please, when collecting your reports, can you return any reading books you may have. We cannot afford for these to go missing as they are very expensive to replace and cannot usually be replaced on an individual basis but replaced as sets. Any lost books will need to be charged for to ensure that other children have the full range of reading material your child had.

    Parking and Permits
    Can I remind you that parking on site is not allowed, even under the current circumstances. Due to the extended arrival and collections times there are even more people walking about the site than usual so please park outside of the school and walk your child into the grounds.
    If you have a current parking permit then please contact the infant school office to find out if you are still eligible for a new one to be issued for the next academic year. If you need to enquire about a permit, again contact the infant school office.
    Please remember that if any of your household have symptoms you must get a test and the whole household must isolate until the results are known. You will then need to take the necessary action depending on the result. If you would like any advice or guidance please ring school.
    Stay safe.
    With my very best wishes
    Mrs Sheila Pape

  • Update 52 - 02.07.2020

    Thu 02 Jul 2020

    Dear Parents and Carers,


    In case you have missed the news, it has been confirmed today that schools will fully reopen in September and will close as usual for the summer holiday period. Alongside this confirmation about re- opening, guidance has been provided for schools to outline certain measures which must be in place along with suggestions of further measures if appropriate. Obviously each school setting is different and the government have allowed a certain amount of flexibility in the arrangements for schools to tailor the measures to suit their own school.


    I have, today, read the guidance in full and will be discussing my plans, on how we can minimise the risk for pupils returning to school, with the Governors next week.


    The Government have made it clear they expect all pupils to return, with the exception of certain medical reasons.


    Many of the expectations and suggestions made in the guidance are already in place at South View, it is about ensuring these will work effectively with all pupils returning.


    I will, of course, share these plans as soon as they are finalised. I believe today’s update for parents is number 52, as I do feel it is imperative for everyone to be kept fully informed of what is happening. However, if you do have any questions never hesitate to contact me.


    Annual reports

    As I said on Monday’s update, annual reports have been written as usual. Of course they can only reflect what your child had achieved up to lockdown in March, but they will also provide you with an outline of some of the work your child missed as I know some of you would like to try and fill these gaps over the summer. They will also show you if your child was on track to achieve Age Related Expectations (ARE). Government guidance has been very clear on what we needed to include in the reports.


    If your child is currently attending school, they will be sent home with their report on Monday 6th July.


    If your child is not attending school, reports can be collected, by an adult, at the following times:


    Monday 6th July: Year 2 (9a.m.-3p.m.), year 4 (9a.m.-12.30p.m.) and year 6 (12.30p.m.- 3p.m.)

    Tuesday 7th July: Year 1 (9a.m.-3p.m.), year 3 (9a.m.-12.30p.m.) and year 5 (12.30p.m.- 3p.m.)

    Wednesday 8th July: Year R and nursery (9a.m.-3p.m.)


    If you have children in more than one year group, you can collect all of their reports at one time. Please go to the relevant school to collect the reports.


    Obviously we are unable to provide a face to face parents’ evening but should you wish to discuss the report with your child’s class teacher then please complete the reply slip in the report and return it to school and the teacher will be in touch. Alternatively you can ring in to request a call, and the teacher will ring you back when they are available to do so.



    Year 2 transition to the Junior School

    Please refer to the update on Monday 29th June for details on the Year 2 transition programme. The children do not need to wear school uniform for this visit. During your visit you will be given your new book bag and relevant documents.



    If you have booked a place for your child to start nursery in September then you can collect their book bag and starting information from the infant school at any time from tomorrow.


    If you need a nursery place for September then we still have both morning and afternoon sessions available as well as some 30 hour places. Please speak to the infant school office for further details. I understand some of you may be a little apprehensive about the children being able to manage Covid social distancing but I have to say the current nursery children have been amazing and have followed the guidance really well and I have no doubt the new intake will be able to do so just as well.


    Parking and Permits

    Can I remind you that parking on site is not allowed, even under the current circumstances. Due to the extended arrival and collections times there are even more people walking about the site than usual so please park outside of the school and walk your child into the grounds.


    If you have a current parking permit then please contact the infant school office to find out if you are still eligible for a new one to be issued for the next academic year. If you need to enquire about a permit, again contact the infant school office.


    Library Books

    Thank you to so many of you for returning library books. We are still missing quite a few so please check your children’s bedrooms carefully as every book we have to replace means 1 less new book can be bought. There is a box in both reception areas where you can hand them in.


    Reading books

    Please, when collecting your reports, can you return any reading books you may have. We cannot afford for these to go missing as they are very expensive to replace and cannot usually be replaced on an individual basis but replaced as sets. Any lost books will need to be charged for to ensure that other children have the full range of reading material your child had.


    As always, stay safe, keep washing your hands and social distancing.


    With my very best wishes


    Mrs Sheila Pape

