The South View Federation

'A highly cohesive haven'

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  • Parent Update 79 - 27.05.2021

    Thu 27 May 2021

    Dear All,


    Finally, some sunshine has appeared, and apparently it will be staying with us during the Bank Holiday and half term break. I hope you all enjoy spending time with your families but remember to stay safe too!


    Breakfast Club

    For those children currently attending, breakfast club will be opening from 8a.m. after the half term break. The numbers are such that we can accommodate them in the dining rooms and halls, but with them still having their own space so that bubbles are not mixing. 


    The children should arrive via reception at each school as they were doing before lockdown. Please remember: if there is someone in the reception area, wait until they have left before entering. This helps keeps everyone socially isolated.


    We will continue to review breakfast club arrangements in the hope that we can begin to offer more places in the near future. If you have any queries please contact Mrs Young at the junior school who is the Breakfast Club manager for the federation.


    Covid Holiday Arrangements

    As has been the case since the first lockdown, if a positive case is identified over the first weekend of the holiday, you must inform the school so we can contact other families and let them know of the need to isolate. Similarly, if your child develops symptoms over the first weekend and then subsequently has a positive result, again, the school must be informed so that contact tracing can be carried out.


    Please contact the school via the website contact form as this will be checked daily.


    Arrival and Collection Arrangements After Half Term

    8.40 a.m. – 9.00 a.m. will now be the arrival window for both schools from Monday 7th June.

    Collection will be from 3.05 p.m. each day. Please continue to use current arrival and collection doors.


    INSET Day

    The next INSET day is on Friday 25th June


    In the hope that the lovely weather will continue after the holidays, please remember to put sun cream on your child before they come into school, a sun hat is also recommended. (Infant children are provided with a sun hat.) However, they will also need a light coat in case it does rain or drops cooler during the day. We all know how unpredictable our weather is!


    However, we are hoping that the weather will help our allotment grow as the whole Federation has been involved in developing our allotment, be that planting sunflowers, vegetables or fruit. So far beans, peas, lettuce, edible flowers, courgettes, potatoes, squash, carrots, strawberries, spring onions, radishes and herbs have been planted! I know many of you enjoyed taking the extra strawberry plants we had, so I hope they grow too. If you are on the school site, please do come and look at the allotment and see what the children have been doing. Stop and have a chat to Liz, our incredible gardener, too.


    I would just like to end this update by saying how proud I have been of the way the children have all settled back to their learning. There has been some lovely work completed and the children are trying so hard. One great success has been that the children, in the junior Resourced Provision, have been awarded Blue Peter Badges for being Climate Heroes and 'doing their bit' to reduce their carbon footprint. There was great excitement when Mrs Bond opened the letter with the badges inside. Well done to them all!


    Have a lovely half term. Stay safe.


    With my very best wishes,

    Mrs Sheila Pape

    Executive Headteacher

  • Infant School Class Photos

    Wed 26 May 2021

    Dear Parent/Carer,


    The recent infant class photographs are now ready to view and purchase at http://htmp.st/SouthViewInfant


    There will be a “deliver to school” option open for approx. 14 days, otherwise home delivery is available for £5 postage and packing.


    If you need assistance, please call 01736 751555 (option 3) or click on contact us on the 'Tempest Photography' home page.


    Tempest Photography 

  • Heroes Stamp Design Competition

    Wed 19 May 2021

    Dear Parent/Guardian,

    Our school is delighted to be taking part in Royal Mail’s Heroes Stamp Design Competition, honouring the heroes of the coronavirus pandemic.


    Eight pupils from primary and secondary schools across the UK will become the designers of this stamp set, and one could be your child!


    Each entry we send in will have the name of each child, plus their age and our school’s name and postcode.


    Before we submit entries to Royal Mail we need explain how Royal Mail will use these details.


    Royal Mail will use these details of children who enter (i.e. name, age, school name and postcode) to run the competition, including to contact the winners and distribute prizes.


    Royal Mail will share this information with iChild Limited and The Education Company Limited, who are helping Royal Mail to run the competition.


    Except in the case of the 120 children who reach the Regional Finalists stage, Royal Mail will delete all of this data by 30th September 2021.


    As is usual in competitions, Royal Mail may, if requested, tell the Advertising Standards Authority of those winners’ surnames and counties. Members of the public will also be able to ask Royal Mail for that information after 30th September 2021. If you object to your child’s surname and county being available to members of the public, you should write to Heroes Stamp Design Competition, Royal Mail Group, 185 Farringdon Road, London EC1A 1AA. However, Royal Mail may still need to give this information to the Advertising Standards Authority on a confidential basis.


    If your child enters the competition, Royal Mail has what data protection law calls a “legitimate interest” to use your child’s details (i.e. name, age, school name and postcode) in the ways described above. However, your decision of what is best for your child takes priority, so if you have any concerns please let your child’s teacher know not to include your child’s design in the competition.


    Please refer to Royal Mail’s Privacy Notice at https://www.royalmailgroup.com/en/site/privacy-notice/ for more information about how to exercise data protection rights, contact Royal Mail’s Data Protection Officer or raise complaints with the Information Commissioner’s Office.


    If your child is one of the competition winners, Royal Mail will contact you separately, via the school, to discuss whether you would be willing to take part in publicity.

    Thank you,

    Heroes Stamp Design Competition

  • School Class Photos (Juniors)

    Thu 13 May 2021

    Junior school class photos will be taken on Thursday 13th May

  • Parent Update 78 - 11.05.2021

    Tue 11 May 2021

    Dear Parents and Carers,


    I hope you all had a lovely Easter break and enjoyed some of the sunny weather, as well as being able to mix with a few other people following the relaxation of some of the lockdown rules. These rules are now being relaxed even further with effect from Monday – but please be careful, especially when you are around vulnerable people.



    I start this update with the news that, after 20 years at South View Junior School, Mrs Waters, Deputy Head, is retiring at the end of this academic year.


    Mrs Waters has been a totally dedicated and committed Deputy, and has always put the children first in everything she does. Mrs Waters has seen an incredible number of changes at the school during this time, including the formation of the Federation in 2017, as well as running the junior school while I was on a secondment to a school in Winchester in 2013.


    Over the years, Mrs Waters has improved the life chances of so many children, as well as whole families, through the work she has done with them. I know many of you still ask for her advice and guidance for many different reasons. Some of the children still come back to visit her and let her know how they are doing. I know she is proud of all of the children and their accomplishments, whether she taught them directly or not.


    Mrs Waters has instilled a love of French in a great number of children, greeting them in the morning with a few words in French, and now many hold a mini conversation with her before heading off to class. She hasn’t been quite as successful at improving my French!


    We cannot thank Mrs Waters enough for her dedication, determination, professionalism and hard work. I know she has inspired many teachers over the years and enabled so many staff to grow and develop into outstanding practitioners. She has always been there to guide, advise, support and listen. Mrs Waters will be greatly missed, especially by me. We have worked together for 24 years, previously working at Winklebury Junior School together.  She is going to be an incredibly hard act to follow.

    We all wish her a very long, happy and well deserved retirement. If she puts as much effort into enjoying her retirement as she has into working at South View, she is sure to have a great time!

    This of course meant that we had to look for a new Deputy Headteacher, and following interview earlier this term, I am delighted to announce that Mrs Kay Young has been appointed as Deputy Head as from September 2021. Many of you already know Mrs Young as a year 6 teacher but also as the current Assistant Headteacher. However, her new role as Deputy Head will mean that she will no longer be class based.


    Also, sadly, Miss Barrett and Miss Tubb are both leaving. They are moving to jobs nearer to where they live. Again, although they have only been with us a few years, they will be greatly missed. They are both very popular teachers and the children really enjoy being in their classes. We wish them every success in their future careers. Thank you for your hard work and dedication too.


    Staff absence

    As from Friday of this week, Miss Barrett will be absent from school for a number of weeks due to her having some long awaited surgery. Mr Gaunt will be taking the class in the first instance, but I will keep you updated with plans.


    Miss Mann is also having some remedial surgery on her knee, which has been causing her pain for a long time now. She will be out of school from 18th May for a few weeks. Mrs Morris will be taking the class during this time, which will be a good opportunity for her to get to know them before they move into year 6, where she supports the children with their writing.


    Exciting News

    As many of you are aware, we already have Speech and Language Specialist Resourced Provision in school from Nursery through to year 6. The children accessing this provision have an EHCP (Education, Health Care Plan) with speech and language identified as a specific need and are offered a place at South View by the Local Authority, to access our specialist provision.


    Due to the school being so successful with both resourced provision and mainstream children, the Local Authority has now asked that we open 2 new specialist resourced provisions (RP) for children with Moderate Learning Difficulties (MLD). This is a great compliment to be asked to do this as it shows that our proven track record of supporting children with specific needs has been recognised by the Local Authority. Again, for children to access a place, they will need an EHCP and placements will be offered through the Local Authority, Special Needs Department. The children will not be integrating into mainstream, as this will be a standalone provision, so will not impact on current class sizes.


    There will be one MLD RP at the infant school and one at the junior school. We are currently in the process of appointing staff for both of these RPs and I will update you further with staffing for these and the whole federation, after half term.


    Parents’ evenings

    As we have not been able to hold parents’ evenings so far, we are yet again sending out some target sheets which identify what your child is working on in school and how you could support them at home. These will be coming home to you on Friday of this week.


    If, after reading the target sheet, you would like to speak directly to your child’s class teacher then please do so by phoning in to school to let the office staff know. The class teacher will then ring you when they are available to do so.


    We are sincerely hoping that some face to face meetings can be held before the end of the school year.



    Following the latest admission rounds, we are yet again full in both Year R and Year 3 for September, with waiting lists for both year groups.


    Parents of the children who have been offered places will have received, or will be receiving, information from us regarding transition arrangements. Again these have been impacted by Covid restrictions, but we are hoping to be able to have some visits later in the term. In the meantime, if you have any queries then please contact either school office.




    If you park outside of the school on Baynard Close/Shooters Way, please can you be mindful not to block driveways. Some of the local residents have had trouble getting in or out of their drives due to cars being parked across them. Thank you.


    Incredibly Important Reminder

    If your child is unwell you should keep them at home as you would usually do. If they, or any member of your household, displays Covid like symptoms, children must not come to school and the whole household (bubble) must isolate immediately. You should arrange for the symptomatic person to be tested with a full PCR test (not an LFD test) and all remain in isolation until the results are returned. If they are negative, then isolation can end, but if positive, the whole household must remain in isolation for the full 10 days. If in any doubt – ring school for advice.

    If a member of your household is unwell and you are not sure if it is Covid related, I would rather you acted cautiously and rang the school for advice, before sending children to school.


    Parents should observe social distancing from other adults and children at all times and should not gather together either inside or immediately outside of the school grounds. I know this will be difficult when some of you haven’t met up for some time, but the more people who meet together, the higher the risk of any transmission.

    We want to try and avoid any further cases so please do follow the rules for your own safety and the safety of the rest of the school community.


    With my very best wishes,

    Mrs Sheila Pape

    Executive Headteacher

  • Numbers Day 2021

    Thu 06 May 2021

    See letter under Parents, Letters, then infant or junior school.

  • School Class Photos (Infants)

    Wed 05 May 2021

    Infant school class photos will be taken on Wednesday 5th May
