Ethos, Values and Aims
Our Ethos and Values
The South View Federation provides an environment in which children learn, can be happy, feel secure, grow in confidence and self-esteem as well as achieve personal excellence.
The children in our care always come first and our priority is to deliver high quality teaching and learning whilst at the same time providing rich and truly enjoyable learning experiences for our children. Everything we do as a school is to ensure that the children achieve their very best. We are deeply aware that children only get one chance at their primary education and it is our job to ensure that they all reach for the highest levels of personal achievement and development.
We want every child to be successful; to reach for success from the very first day they join the school and throughout their school lives so that when they leave us they have a love of learning for the rest of their lives and are good citizens with well embedded social skills.
The South View Federation will:
Provide a safe and stimulating environment that is conducive to all children giving them the opportunity to reach their full potential.
Provide a supportive culture in which all staff are expected to extend, develop and share their expertise.
Offer all children equal access to the curriculum and school life where individual differences are appreciated, celebrated, understood and accepted.
Ensure that equal opportunities are provided for all of our children.
Have regard and respect for the cultural diversity within the school.
Value the achievements of all children, both in and out of school and provide opportunities to develop self-confidence and a positive self-image.
Encourage children to become good citizens, by developing caring attitudes and respect towards themselves, other children, adults, their school and their community.
Encourage each individual to take responsibility for their own behaviour and to act as a good role model to others.
Your child will achieve high standards in reading, writing and maths.
Your child will be offered a broad and balanced curriculum in which citizenship and their place in the community is established and equips them with necessary life skills.
Your child will use Information and communication Technology to support their learning.
Your child will be able to learn through the arts
Your child will have access to a wide range of sporting activities
Your child will learn social skills in preparation for life and to be a good citizen as well as help them prepare for the world of work.
We will endeavour to help all pupils to:
Develop lively enquiring minds through questioning, investigation, discussion and applying themselves to learning.
Develop interests and skills which will enable them to enjoy and make the best use of their leisure time.
Develop a wide range of physical skills, understanding the benefits of leading a healthy lifestyle.
Communicate effectively, both orally and in writing.
Develop personal, moral and spiritual values including respect for others, their beliefs, the environment and British Values.
Explore and understand the world in which they live and the interdependence of individuals, groups and nations.
Prepare for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life, including parenting and employment, as well as participating and contributing as an adult in a continuously changing world.
Express themselves creatively and enjoy the contribution of the arts to the quality of life.
See learning as an enjoyable, purposeful activity which continues throughout life.
Set high personal standards and value excellence in all things.
Be proud of who they are.