The South View Federation

'A highly cohesive haven'

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Governor Information and Duties

The South View Federation was formally formed on the 5th of January 2017.

This means that there are still two schools, but that we have only one Governing Body overseeing them – and they will be led by an “Executive Head Teacher”.


Roles and Responsibilities of the Governing Body
The Governing Body is made up of people who want to make a positive contribution to children's education. They are responsible for working with the school to ensure it delivers a good quality of education for all its pupils. The Governing Body has a wide range of strategic responsibilities, covering all aspects of school life. However, the operational management of the school is the responsibility of the Headteacher.
The Governing Body has three core functions, as described by the Department for Education:
1. Ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
2. Hold the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils and
Performance Management of the staff
3. Oversee financial performance of the school and ensure its money is well spent.

To ensure the Governing Body has the relevant expertise to carry out its core duties effectively, governors are appointed with different skill sets.




South View Federation Governing Body

If you would like to request a copy of the minutes from our governors' meetings, please contact the school office on 01256 321928.
