The South View Federation

'A highly cohesive haven'

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Resourced Provisions


The South View Federation is an inclusive school and has four resourced provisions, two are based at the infant school and two at the junior school. At each school, there is one resourced provision for children with speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) and another resourced provision for children with moderate learning difficulties (MLD).


The Local Education Authority place children within these resourced provisions on a needs basis. The resourced provisions have the following number of funded places:

South View Junior School SLCN Resourced Provision – 16

South View Junior School MLD Resourced Provision – 12

South View Infant School SLCN Resourced Provision – 13

South View Nursery School SLCN Resourced Provision – 10 (these places are for 15 hours)

South View Infant School MLD Resourced Provision – 9

Placement meetings happen in the spring term ready for the following academic year. Some children, especially those in our SLCN nursery provision, are identified as being ready to return to their mainstream setting with support. Early intervention is key to helping children succeed.


SLCN Resourced Provision

Children who are placed in our SLCN resourced provision have a primary need of speech, language and communication needs. They have a diagnosis from a speech and language therapist (SALT) of an Unusual Pattern of Language Development or Developmental Language Disorder (children aged over 5 years) and/or a Speech Sound Disorder.

In our Early Years (Nursery and Year R) SLCN resourced provision the children are fully integrated into mainstream classes so that they have full access to the Early Years Curriculum. They benefit from quality first teaching, are supported by a highly skilled Learning Support Assistant (LSA) and have access to a language rich environment. All children have access to visual supports, Makaton support, Cued Articulation and have their SLCN programmes delivered on a one to one basis each day in an environment free from distractions.


In Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 children are usually based in the resourced provision class for the morning and then integrate into a host class in the afternoon. In the morning the resourced provision class teacher and highly skilled LSAs support them. They are taught language-demanding subjects such as maths and English and complete their target therapy programmes. In the afternoon, they join a host class in their appropriate year group and are supported throughout the afternoon by one of the resourced provision LSAs. The children continue to access a broad and balanced curriculum in their afternoon host class and their peers are language role models for them.

We have a close and highly effective working relationship with our resourced provision SALTs. Depending on the individual child’s needs they may see the SALT on a weekly basis, for block therapy or their programmes may be reviewed on a needs basis. All children receive daily support for their speech and language needs from their highly skilled LSA.

‘My son loves school and is always greeted with a welcoming, positive and caring member of staff. My son receives the best care and education from everyone at his school.’

Parent Feedback, February 2022


MLD Resourced Provision

Children placed in our MLD Resourced Provision have moderate learning difficulties in all areas of the curriculum (a global delay usually of at least 2 years), although they may develop particular skills at a different rate. In some cases, the profile of need will include social and emotional factors. A number of the children in our MLD resourced provision will have a hybrid of needs, which may include physical disabilities, sensory impairments, language impairment or autistic characteristics.

Each resourced provision class has a team of highly skilled staff who work with families and professionals to ensure that all aspects of our provision meet the needs of the individual children.

Children in both the infant school and junior school MLD resourced provision spend the vast majority of their time in their resourced provision class due to them finding mainstream classes overwhelming. During this time, they access a broad and balanced curriculum at a level that matches their individual starting point. Children also access individual interventions that target areas identified by other professionals and have the opportunity to develop their social, emotional and mental health needs.

‘We are so happy with the provision our daughter is in. The change in her is remarkable and that is down to the school and the teachers in the MLD resourced provision’

Parent Feedback, February 2022.



All of our planned learning opportunities link to the National Curriculum and the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Framework. Robust baseline assessments are completed when children enter our school, and these assessments are used to establish each child’s unique starting point. Due to their needs the vast majority of children will not be accessing the curriculum stage that matches their chronological age.

All children in our resourced provisions also access our school’s Bespoke Curriculum, which is in addition to our learning curriculums. We carefully select topics for our Bespoke Curriculum based on the needs of our children, the curriculum allows them to leave our school well-rounded individuals, prepared for the next stages in their lives. Topics have included mindfulness, healthy life styles, money management, rules and laws, personal care and first aid. Topics for our Bespoke Curriculum are reviewed annually and can change depending on the need of the children attending our school and our local community.


Home School Joint Working

We operate an open door policy across the South View Federation and actively encourage parents to contact staff members when they require support, advice or have concerns regarding their child.

As well as parents’ evening and annual review meetings, we regularly hold open afternoon when parents can come into school and celebrate their child’s learning with them in their classroom. There are also other opportunities for parents to come into school, they include, Christmas crafts, Christmas performances and sports day.

‘I would highly recommend this school, great support, excellent with the children, always happy to help with home issues. I am very privileged to have my child at this school.’

Parent Feedback, February 2022



Several of the children in the resourced provision come to school on school transport, there is set criteria for home school transport. The criteria links to distance from home to school and the age of your child, children are entitled to transport until the term after their fifth birthday. If children are offered transport, it is reviewed on an annual basis when their EHCP is reviewed.

You can find out more information about transport by visiting:




We work closely with families, schools, preschools and professionals when children transition into and out of our setting.

Our transition process includes:

  • Transition visits for families and feeder schools.
  • Meetings of key people and sharing of information.
  • Social stories linked to transitions.
  • Transition photo books.


Visiting our Resourced Provisions

You are more than welcome to arrange a visit to one of our resourced provisions by calling the school office (01256 321928 option 1) and requesting to speak to Mrs Laura Turnnidge. However, we as a school cannot offer you a place, places can only be offered by the Hampshire SEND Team.
