A letter of thanks to the NHS from Donna, a Basingstoke nurse.
The post below is by Donna, a nurse and the wife of a friend of some of the staff at The South View Federation. We have permission to share it and hope it reminds people why we have to stay home.
Words cannot express my gratitude and admiration for the staff on C4 and ITU and outreach, who for 2 weeks cared for me as I battled against covid. I could not have been looked after any better. I am in awe of you all. Continuously donning and doffing, wearing full PPE just to make sure I had a drink, to make sure I was comfortable, to bring my drugs, to monitor my O2, to put lip balm on my very sore lips, to change my bedding, to wash me when I only had enough energy to breathe, to cream my feet and legs so I felt better, to reassure me, to be there when my family couldn't, to check on me throughout the night, to check on me after your days off, to brush my hair, to wash my hair, to shower me in your PPE, to hold my hand, to encourage me, to make me smile, to explain everything to me, to support me, to wipe my tears.
To the ITU consultant knelt by my bedside explaining with compassion the threshold for tubing me and promising to try to wake me up for the birth of my grandson.
For the outreach team encouraging me to lay on my tummy with my 60%venturi to breathe, and to feel safe, to reassure me that i was doing well on each of their visits.
To the lovely physio for her encouragement and reassurance to get out of bed and walk for the first time, carrying my O2 cylinder for me.
For the Doctor who held my hand and walked me to the window to get my lungs strong and working, who encouraged me to be confident, the same Dr who made me laugh everyday.
To the lovely Dr who came and held my hand everyday, even though she wasn't caring for me everyday, to tell me how she couldn't be happier that I was doing well and that they had all been so worried about me. she held my hand and her eyes smiled.
To the nurses and HCA who stood at the bay windows everyday and waved and had to don the PPE just to poke their head In and say hello, how are you today, what can I do to help, do you need anything.
To the consultants who came to see me everyday, those who held my hand, those who knelt by me.
For the messages and gifts from colleagues past and present, for the love that I felt. I remember feeling that I couldn't go on, breathing was so hard and so painful, I was okay that actually I might take my last breath. I recall saying to my nurse just as the sun was rising, I cant do this anymore! He turned to me and said you can do this, look at this ... he opened the curtains and raised my bed so i could feel the sun flood in, your life is out there, you have so much to live for, your family ...… I lay there watching the sky change colours as the day began .....I do have so much to live for. His words more powerful than he could ever realise.
As I left the ward to start my recovery at home, I placed my heart on the recovery tree and the staff lined the corridor and clapped, it should be me applauding you all. My heart is with you all as you continue to care.
My COVID journey isn't just about me, its the effect that is has on everyone. The outside world cannot even begin to comprehend the care that goes on in the NHS, colleagues moved from their usual jobs, new teams being built, new ways of working. And through all this not once did I ever hear anyone complain.
You will forever be my hero's, my colleagues, my friends.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart xx