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British Science Week 14th - 18th March

British Science Week 2022


This week (14th-18th March) is British Science Week, a celebration of science, technology, engineering and maths. This year’s science week theme is ‘Growth’ and we will be following this theme by exploring stories about growth in different forms, taking part in investigations and learning from expert scientists.  


As well as celebrating Science Week through activities at school, we are holding a competition for you to enjoy as a family at home. We would like you to create a poster or plan an investigation on the theme of ‘Growth.’ For example, this could be a record of a plant you are growing, an art project about the life cycle of an animal, or perhaps a photography project showing growth in the local area. You can bring your completed project into school, or if you prefer, you can use our online platforms to upload your work. (Year R – Tapestry, KS1 Purple Mash, KS2 Seesaw). Please hand in your completed project by Tuesday the 5th April 2022. Prizes will be awarded for the most creative projects.


We look forward to seeing your entries!


Miss Mann

(Junior School Science Manager)

Mrs Holley

(Infant School Science Manager)
