The South View Federation

'A highly cohesive haven'

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Coronavirus Update 11.05.2020

Dear Parents,


I am writing this update a little later than usual as I wanted to listen to the announcement which Boris Johnson was making tonight at 7p.m. Many of you may have watched both last night and tonight's broadcasts, so I just want to clarify the situation as far as South View Schools are concerned.


In terms of the potential for schools reopening, the Prime Minister said ‘In step two – at the earliest by June 1 – after half term – we believe we may be in a position… to get primary pupils back into schools, in stages, beginning with reception, Year 1 and Year 6’. It is important to note that the statements makes it clear that this is not a set date, and that this may happen at the earliest by June 1st. However, should infections start to rise again, this date will be delayed even more, so it up to us to follow the social distancing rules and act sensibly to reduce the rates of transmission of the virus and so keep ourselves and our families safe.


This means that, at the moment, nothing has changed as far as schools are concerned. We will continue to remain open for children of key workers and vulnerable children as well as those with an EHCP. If your child falls into one of these categories and you need childcare, then please get in touch with me.

 I understand that this may well impact on your ability to return to work if you are not able to send your child to school as they do not meet the criteria, as mentioned above, set earlier in March. Mr Johnson was clear that if this is an issue for you, you must discuss this with your employer as they should understand this as being a barrier to you being able to return to work.


What I can say is that both the Government and the Local Authority are working on plans as to how to manage any re-opening of schools to ensure that is safe for your children, parents and staff. Obviously one plan will not suit every school, as each one is different, so I am working on various options for our schools, but I can reassure you that I will not reopen unless I know I have taken every step I possibly can to ensure it is as safe as possible for your children and my staff.


I will continue to provide these updates on a  Monday and Thursday via the website so as soon as I know anything else I will let you know.


In the meantime we have received another food delivery, so if you are in need of food, particularly for breakfast, then please call in to the junior school reception to collect some. The food is available for both infant and junior parents.


There are still a lot of parents who have not claimed their free school meal vouchers. In some cases this amounts to quite a lot of money which you are entitled to. Please contact school for more details if you think this applies to you.


I know that over the last few weeks I have spoken to many of you either on the phone or in person, if you do want to speak to me please do not hesitate to ring me.


Finally please remember to keep social distancing at all times to help reduce transmission of the virus and keep us all safe.


With very best wishes,


Mrs Sheila Pape

Executive Headteacher

