Coronavirus Update 18.05.2020
Monday 18th May 2020
Dear Parents,
The sunny weather seems to be back which is great and helps to cheer us up during these uncertain times.
As you will have heard on the news there is a possibility that schools will reopen to certain year groups as from 1st June. As I said in my update last week we are planning for children in nursery, Year R and Year 1 as well as year 6 to return at some point during that week - in line with government guidelines.
Again I said some of you may well be apprehensive about sending your children back to school whilst the virus is still not under control so I just want to make it clear that the decision is totally yours. However, we would like an indication of who is planning to return so that plans can be finalised. If your child does not return - they can continue to work through their study books and/or learning packs, on line work will also still be available.
So, if you have a child in year 6, you should have rung the office either today or be ringing tomorrow to let us know whether or not your child will be returning that first week in June if we are allowed to open. Please note, if you still feel that it is not in your child's best interests due to health concerns, or due to a concern about another vulnerable person in your household, and you choose not to send your child in to school, you will NOT be fined for non attendance. At this point in time the safety of our children and families is paramount.
For nursery, year R and year 1, please can you ring school on Wednesday (nursery), Thursday (Year R) and Friday (Year 1) to inform us if you intend to send your child in to school as mentioned above. Again - if you choose not to, you will NOT be fined as I have said earlier.
Due to having to reduce class sizes to a maximum of 15, it will mean children may not be with their usual teacher and the school day will still not be a 'typical day', instead they will be accessing a limited amount of work which can be covered safely from their planned curriculum, prioritising the key skills they need to have covered.
The government have asked that only 1 person brings the children to school and the same person collects them so as to reduce different contacts. Parents will not be allowed into the school, you will drop your child off at a designated place and then you will need to leave the site immediately, not stopping to interact with other adults. There will be a one way system around the site with different gates being designated as either an entrance or exit.
These are all measures suggested to reduce the spread of the virus.
Once plans are finalised, and more information provided from the government, I will update you again.
Please do ensure you follow the social distancing rules and remember you are only allowed to meet one other person outside of your household in a public place. Also as of today the government have announced that anyone over the age of 5 who displays Covid 19 symptoms is able to have a test carried out. They have also added 'a change or loss of taste or smell' to the list of key symptoms - so be aware. Should you, or any of your household show any signs of these symptoms that person is to self isolate, along with the rest of the household.
It was very reassuring today as I walked around some of our local area, that no children were seen out playing. This is great news as this is helping to reduce the transmission of the virus and shows that we are all following the government guidance by staying in.
Please do make sure you ring the school to let us know your intentions about returning to school as this information is vital for me to be able to plan effectively should we be given the go ahead by the government.
Stay safe and well.
With best wishes,
Mrs Sheila Pape