The South View Federation

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Coronavirus Update 20.04.2020

Monday 20th April 2020


Dear Parents,


This is without doubt the strangest start to the summer term I have ever had during my career but here we are remaining closed for at least the next 3 weeks, with no indication of a return date. I hope you are all managing to support your children with their learning but if you are struggling please don't hesitate to ring into school for some advice.


The government today released some more ideas and lessons for the children who are at home. These will be on the website over the next few days for you to access but obviously these aren't tailored to your child's needs and our school curriculum as is the work we are setting.


The Year 2 study books have now been delivered and are available for collection from tomorrow.


Please try to collect your packs at the following times:

Surnames A - C                    9.00 – 10.00 a.m.    

Surnames D - G                  10.00 – 11.00 a.m.  

Surnames H - L                   11.00 – 12.00          

Surnames M - R                   1.00 – 2.00p.m.    

Surnames S - Z                     2.00 – 3.00p.m.   


These study books cover the curriculum the children should study in year 2, in preparation for their move to year 3. There will be some work that they have not yet covered but there is no reason why they can't be taught that at home if you feel confident enough to do so. The teachers have included an itinerary at the front of the books to show you what work needs to be covered and when. Again - any questions please don't hesitate to ring in and ask.


Learning packs for the other year groups are still available if you haven't collected yours yet. Please call in to the respective office to collect them.


FSM vouchers should have been arriving in your email boxes as the DfE have ironed out some of the issues they were having. If you still haven't claimed your vouchers then please do so  as soon as you can by emailing

Mrs Freathy: n.freathy@southview-inf.hants.sch.uk

Miss Evans: c.evans@southview-jun.hants.sch.uk


 If you haven't got an email account then please ring into school as we can organise the vouchers for you.


Nursery places: As I said in my update last week - please remember to apply for nursery places for September.


Finally I notice on the daily update from the government that the cases of the virus are starting to plateau and the deaths have fallen slightly over the last few days. These are all good signs but we must keep up all of the good work we have done so far. So keep up with the social distancing and the 'Stay Home: Stay Safe: Protect the NHS and save lives' message is still as strong as ever, we don't want to risk a second wave of the virus because we start to be complacent.


Stay Safe


Best wishes


Sheila Pape
Executive Headteacher



