Coronavirus Update 23.04.2020
Thursday 23rd April 2020
Dear Parents,
On yet another beautiful day we still have to remember to keep ourselves safe by staying inside and only socialising with our own household members. We should only be leaving the house for food, medicines, our daily exercise or to go to work (if you cannot work from home).
Again I thank my amazing staff who are working on a rota to be in work and ensure the children we are supporting in school are well looked after. Obviously we do expect that when they are not in school they maintain all of the expected lockdown procedures and social distancing measures to ensure they are keeping you and your family safe as well as my staff.
If your children are attending school at the moment, please remember to send them in with sun cream and or sun hat during this amazing weather as we are trying to get them outside as much as possible.
Finally, all of the remaining study books for year 3 and 4 pupils have arrived in school and so these will be available for collection tomorrow (Friday).
Please collect at the following times if possible to avoid too many people arriving at once:
Surnames A - D 9.00 – 10.00 a.m.
Surnames E - I 10.00 – 11.00 a.m.
Surnames J - N 11.00 – 12.00
Surnames O - S 1.00 – 2.00p.m.
Surnames T - Z 2.00 – 3.00p.m.
This now means that year groups 2 through to year 6 all have access to a set of study books which are closely tailored to the work they have /would have covered in school. In each study book you will find a recommended study schedule which explains what your child should work on and when. If you have any questions about these schedules please ring into school.
Also be mindful that the children now have study packs, learning packs as well as a lot of on line learning - there is a danger that some children may become overwhelmed - try to help your child by planning what you want them to work on each day so that it is a sensible amount for them. Again if you need further advice from your child's class teacher then ring into school and we can organise that for you.
If you still haven't collected your child's learning from school please do so as they are missing out on vital learning opportunities.
If you had made an on time application for a year 3 place at South View Junior school you should have now received either an email or letter informing you of which school your child has been allocated. Those of you who made paper applications (as opposed to online) will have received a letter with the offer in it however it has been brought to my attention that there is an error on the reply slip - instead of saying 'I accept the Year 3 place' - it says the 'Year R place'. Please just change the year R to a 3 and return to the address stated in the letter. I have informed the admission team of the mistake ( as they issue the letters) and that was the advice they gave. If you have any concerns over places then ring in to school and ask to speak to me.
We still have bagels in school so if you need any just come into either school's reception and we can provide these for you. We also have cereal, porridge and baked beans available - if you could make use of these then please ring in and speak to the office staff.
Can I remind you all that if you are arriving at school for whatever reason, that only 1 person is allowed in each reception area at any one time. If you can see there is already someone in reception then please wait until they leave before entering. If you have children with you who are not currently attending school, then they will need to wait for you outside if it is safe to do so. In both reception areas we are keeping the glass screens closed to protect the staff, I am sure you understand why this is a sensible thing to do.
Finally - Stay Home, Protect the NHS and Save Lives and hopefully I will get to see you all fit and well at some time in the future.
With my very best wishes
Mrs Sheila Pape
Executive Headteacher