The South View Federation

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Coronavirus Update Letter 01.04.2020

Wednesday 1st April 2020


Dear Parents


A good up take on learning packs today by Year 3.  Remember if you have been unable to collect your child's pack they will be available tomorrow at the times outlined in previous updates.


Currently more work is being prepared for children in Early Years, Year 1 and Year 2.  I will let you know when this is ready for collection.


Can I remind those of you who are sending your children into school that they must bring their learning packs into school with them as they are being given time to work on them at some point during the day.


Free School Meals: By the time you read this update those of you who are eligible for FSM should have received a text outlining how you request the e-vouchers which are worth £15 per week per child. They are only payable for these 2 weeks when school would normally have been open. They will not be issued for the Easter Holiday period as outlined by the Dfe. These are only for children who are registered as eligible for FSM and not currently in school.  If your child is only attending part time we will look at these cases individually to decide on the value of the e voucher to which you are entitled.


We hope to get these e-vouchers to you by the end of the week.


Sadly I hear that the death rate has risen yet again today along with the number of people going out in cars and using public transport!  We cannot become complacent - please remember you should stay in at all times unless you need essential shopping, medication or for daily exercise.  Children should not be out playing, unless they are in their own gardens with their own siblings.


Staff are still reporting seeing groups of teenagers walking about the neighbourhood - they are putting all of our lives at risk as well as their own. Please remind them of their responsibilities to help keep the spread of this virus down - otherwise they could well be the next victim, something we want to avoid.


By working together as a community, and following the governments guidelines on not going out and social distancing,  we can play our part in trying to keep the number of cases down in our area and so reduce the distress it is causing to many lives.  If every community does this it will significantly help reduce the spread, death rate and pressure on the NHS. 


I know the police are also stopping people in Basingstoke to check on the reasons as to why they are out and about - so please - essential journeys only.


I am starting to sound like Boris Johnson but I just want you all to stay safe!


So - Stay safe, stay in and keep washing your hands frequently.


With very best wishes, 



Mrs Sheila Pape

Executive Headteacher

