The South View Federation

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Coronavirus Update Letter 02.04.2020

Thursday 2nd April 2020


 Dear Parents,


Thank you to those of you who have been in touch to provide an email address for the Free School Meal e-vouchers. If you haven't yet responded to the text sent yesterday, then please do so as soon as possible.  If you feel you are entitled to benefits related Free School Meals and did not receive a text please telephone either school office tomorrow.


Learning Packs: Many of the learning packs have now been collected. They will be available again tomorrow for those of you who have not been able to collect them. Please try to visit during the times outlined in previous updates.


We have now provided lots of work through a variety of Learning Packs, CGP books, Seesaw, Purple Mash, spelling shed, maths shed and mathletics, depending on their age group. However.... we are not expecting the children to do it all immediately. The teachers have been impressed with how much is being done by some children - but worried that some might feel overwhelmed. Help support them to pace themselves and identify the tasks you would like them to attempt each day.


For those of you who are Vivid tenants, you may be interested to see this:

 VIVID, a social housing provider, is offering free devices and internet connections to families who live in our homes.  These devices are available where:  

  1. A person is deemed as ‘extremely vulnerable’ and has received an NHS letter telling them to stay home
  2. Families who have school children who are unable to complete their homework due to lack of devices.

 This offer is only open to people who live in a VIVID home 

This will be on a first come, first served basis and the number to ring for enquiries is 02392063327.


Finally - if your child is in school please remember to send their learning packs in with them.

Stay safe, stay in and keep washing your hands!!

With very best wishes,

Mrs Sheila Pape,

Executive Headteacher
