The South View Federation

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Coronavirus Update Letter 22.03.2020

Sunday 22nd March 2020


Dear Parent / Carer,


For those of you who have had a place CONFIRMED at school please can your child/children come into school via the office at their respective schools. (Children can be dropped off and collected at any time to reduce time in school).


Children should wear school uniform as normal.


Lunch arrangements as usual. If you usually pay for a lunch you will still need to.


Please bring a snack for mid morning and PE kit.


Children will not be receiving lessons, instead they will be taking part in many varied activities including getting them outside as much as possible.


I will provide further updates as the week goes on.


Keep handwashing and if you are at home with your children you must ensure they do not go out to play outside of your own garden and do not mix with other children/adults. This is to stop the virus spreading and is what we have been asked to do.


If we all work together it should help us get through this safely.


Best wishes,



Mrs Sheila Pape

Executive Headteacher
