Coronavirus Update Letter 30.03.2020
Monday 30th March 2020
Dear Parents,
We are now into week 2 of our lockdown and the weather seems to have turned a little colder. Snow was falling as I walked between the schools earlier today! Hopefully that will deter more people from going out and further reduce the likelihood of the virus spreading.
Today was the day year 5 parents could collect a learning pack from school, as mentioned in my update on Friday. Sadly only 16 parents collected the work for their children. Their packs are still available but will need to be collected on Thursday as tomorrow and Wednesday are allocated for year 4 and 3 respectively and as we are trying to maintain as much social distancing as possible we want to stick to the current schedule, so we haven't got a huge number of adults arriving at the same time.
As a reminder:
Tuesday 31st March: Year 4
9-10a.m. Surnames A-E
10-11a.m. Surnames F-J
11-12 Surnames K-P
1-2p.m. Surnames Q-T
2-3p.m. Surnames U-Z
Wednesday 1st April: Year 3
9-10a.m. Surnames A-E
10-11a.m. Surnames F-J
11-12 Surnames K-P
1-2p.m. Surnames Q-T
2-3p.m. Surnames U-Z
If you have children in more than one year group you can collect all of their packs on your first visit. We will only be allowing one person at a time into the office area, so be prepared to wait outside - at a distance from each other of course! If your child is already booked in to attend school this week, they will be given their pack then.
I know some of you have been enquiring about Free School Meals. As mentioned in a previous update I was awaiting information on the government's voucher system. The last update was on 20th March where they said:
'We are currently developing a national approach to providing support through supermarket and shop vouchers. We will provide further details shortly.'
However, as there are still no details, I am looking to source vouchers directly from local shops. I will let you know when these are available. Rest assured they will be issued for these last 2 weeks. They will only be available to families who meet the criteria and are currently registered for Free School Meals in either school This will not include infant children who receive a free meal through the universal free meal scheme.
Please don't forget if you are feeling lonely, vulnerable, anxious or struggling financially, do ring in to school and we will try to do what we can to support you. This is a tough time for everyone so don't think you are alone.
Finally, if your child is booked in for emergency care cover with us, and you find you do not need it, please ring to let us know. We were overstaffed today as so many children failed to turn up, so I ended up sending some staff home. However I would have preferred to have adjusted the staffing sooner to reduce adults arriving in school and moving around the community unnecessarily.
Hoping you are all keeping safe, washing your hands and staying in.
Best wishes,
Mrs Sheila Pape
Executive Headteacher