The South View Federation

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Coronavirus Update Letter 31.03.2020

Tuesday 31st March 2020


Dear Parents,


It was good to see more learning packs being collected today. Half of the year 4 packs were collected, with year 3 packs being available tomorrow:


Wednesday 1st April:  Year 3


Surnames A-E                9.00 – 10.00 a.m.    

                                                 Surnames F-J               10.00 – 11.00 a.m.  

                                                    Surnames K-P              11.00 – 12.00          

                                                     Surnames Q-T               1.00 – 2.00p.m.    

                                                     Surnames U-Z               2.00 – 3.00p.m.   


If you have children in more than one year group you can collect all of their packs on your first visit. We will only be allowing one person at a time into the office area, so be prepared to wait outside - at a distance from each other of course! If your child is already booked in to attend school this week, they will be given their pack then.


If you have missed collecting your child's pack then you can collect it on Thursday, if possible keep to the times above which apply each day, as this has helped spread out the number of visits to the school.


I mentioned yesterday that I was investigating supplying FSM vouchers ourselves as there had been no news on the national voucher scheme, however, I read in the news this morning that schools would get the information today. It has at last arrived in my emails at 5.15p.m today, so we will work on this as a priority tomorrow.


If you feel you are eligible for free school meals and have not yet registered, then it is not too late to do so. See the Latest School News section on the school website for details on how to do this and a link to the online application hub.


The school will be remaining open over the Easter holiday fortnight including the Bank Holidays. If you require your child/children to attend during this time and have not yet booked them in, please contact either school office for more details.


Sadly I write this hearing that the death toll today has risen to nearly 400 people in the last 24 hours, so keep yourselves safe, keep up with your social distancing, stay in and wash your hands frequently.


Wishing you all the very best,


Mrs Sheila Pape,

Executive Headteacher
