COVID Update 06.12.2021
Dear Parents,
You may be aware that the number of positive cases of Covid in schools has started to increase.
In some of these cases the children were asymptomatic, so showing no symptoms, which means they could be in school and infectious.
Fortunately, some of the cases were picked up before the children came to school through routine LFD tests which their parents were carrying out on them. So, I would like to encourage as many of you as possible to carry out LFD tests on your children so that when they come into school we know they are not infectious.
This also helps keep your family safe too, as you will then know that you are safe to mix with other family members. It is getting near to Christmas and I want everyone to have a good break and not be ill during their holidays, so if we all try to keep each other safe that would be greatly appreciated.
With best wishes and stay safe,
Mrs Sheila Pape
Executive Headteacher