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Covid Update 61

Dear Parents,
I would like to start by wishing you all a Happy and Healthy New Year and hope you have had a chance to spend some time with immediate family.
I am sure you have all seen on the news that primary schools in our area are expected to open tomorrow. I can confirm that we will be opening but with extra measures in place to mitigate any risks even further. I am aware this email is late in the day but until this morning when the Prime Minister stated that schools were opening as planned, there was still doubt about this, but I am aware this could change at any moment.
The arrival and collection procedures for the children will remain the same as before Christmas but due to the Tier 4 rules, no adults should be meeting with other adults on the school site. Only one adult should accompany children to school and you should leave the site immediately.
Particularly for the infant school, please stand behind the yellow line for your child's classroom when dropping off your child so that you maintain a distance from staff. At the junior school please do not approach the doors either but give plenty of space. Please ring into school with any messages, queries or updates which can then be passed to staff, as you should not approach staff directly. Staff will now be wearing masks at beginning and end of day too.


If you are calling in to the school office please ensure you are wearing a face covering and only one adult at a time please in reception areas. The office reception windows will be kept closed to reduce any possible transmission, I am sure you will understand why this is necessary.

Remember that children should wash their hands before leaving home and when they arrive home. I know many parents brought gel with them when collecting their children which is a good idea too.
I know that no one should have been mixing with other households since tier 4 came in on 26th December, but if you have met up with anyone in the last few days, please check they haven't developed symptoms since you met with them - just to be on the safe side. It would be awful to find out they had developed symptoms, which then puts your family at risk, your children may then bring it into school. We have to all work together on this to keep our community safe. If there is any doubt about a contact please isolate until you know for sure. Isolation absences are all authorised.
Again, if you are in any doubt about symptoms or feeling unwell, it is best to keep children at home and seek advice from school or a doctor before sending them in.
Breakfast club will begin tomorrow morning as usual.
Just a final reminder, sadly we still do not have a crossing patrol person but I am aware the Local Authority are still trying to recruit. 
If there are any further updates, I will let you know as soon as possible.
Please take care and stay safe
With my very best wishes,
Mrs Sheila Pape
Executive Headteacher