The South View Federation

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Covid Update 62 - Lockdown

Dear Parents,
You may have heard the announcement by the Prime Minister at 8p.m. stating that all primary schools should move to remote learning as from tomorrow. This obviously doesn't leave much time to organise things for tomorrow although we do have a remote learning system already set up as we used this during the previous lockdown.
The plan is this:
Tomorrow - only children of critical workers and vulnerable children should attend school if you want them to. Breakfast club will be available for these children. We will then check eligibility during the day and if there is an issue, we will contact you.
Critical workers are the same as defined in the last lockdown. Vulnerable children are those who have a social worker or family support worker, as well as those children with an Educational Health Care Plan. (EHCP)
I will provide more details tomorrow of who can attend so, even if your child doesn't attend tomorrow, they still could be eligible to attend later in the week.
Again, I will provide an update tomorrow about how the remote learning will work.
Arrangements for children eligible for FSM will also be organised tomorrow when we have more details available.
Please try to avoid ringing the offices first thing as it will be very busy trying to sort out logistics. I will keep you updated during the day.
With my best wishes,


Mrs Sheila Pape

Executive Headteacher
