End of Year Update from Mrs Pape
Dear Parents,
Here we are ending a very busy year in some of the hottest temperatures we have had for a very long time!
As junior parents will be aware, we had a visit from Ofsted on the 5th and 6th July. Due to the timing of the inspection this will mean the results and report will not be published until the new academic year. Thank you very much to all of the parents who replied to the survey and for the lovely comments which were made. I know that many parents comment on the range of opportunities we provide for our children which is not always the case elsewhere, and this is also appreciated by children who move to us from other schools.
Yet again it has been a busy term and the children have worked incredibly hard. Year 6 and year 2 have had their SATs, year 4 their multiplication checks and year 1 their phonics test. We cannot fault their efforts and commitment to try their best, which is all we ask of them. Well done to you all.
Sadly, we are saying goodbye to some staff: Mr Hardy, a learning support assistant in year 6, will be leaving to move on to new adventures; Mrs Ricci, year 6 intervention teacher, is retiring; Miss Minton, nursery LSA is moving to another role closer to home as is Mrs Hainsworth, LSA in year R. Miss Pardy, LSA in year 1, has also secured a new role at another infant school due to being on a short contract at SVI.
We wish them all the very best of luck in their new roles and thank them for their hard work whilst at South View. They will all be missed.
We have also said goodbye to Mrs Bradley who has been cleaning at the junior school for many years. Sadly, due to ill health, she retired suddenly at the beginning of July. Mrs Bradley has always shown so much commitment to the school and the children, working incredibly hard, often going above and beyond! I know you will all wish her a speedy recovery and hope she is able to enjoy a well-deserved retirement.
If you want a full overview of the staffing for September 2022 across the Federation, this will be available on the website ready for September 1st
Congratulations to Kylie Tootill in the office who was married at the weekend and is now Mrs Emery. We wish Kylie and her husband Nathan every happiness.
Finally, we say goodbye to our year 6 children who are all moving on to secondary schools. They put on an amazing end of year performance where many of them showcased their singing and acting skills. We wish them every success for the future and hope they continue to work hard and do themselves proud.
This brings us to the end of the first full school year since 2018-2019, so it has been tough for the children getting back into the routine and building up their work stamina. I am hoping that next year we will be able to have a totally normal year and be able to welcome parents in for more events as well as get the children out and about for visits and treats.
Wishing you all a very relaxing summer and look forward to seeing you all on Thursday 1st September 2022.
Take care and stay safe.
With best wishes,
Mrs Sheila Pape
Executive Headteacher