Half Term Arrangements.
Dear Parents,
Under normal circumstances next week would be half term, but these are definitely not normal circumstances! So, to continue the support we have provided for the last 9 weeks we are remaining open next week for the children of key workers and any vulnerable children as well as children with an EHCP, as usual. We are however, closing for the Bank Holiday Monday.
During the half term week I have insisted that my staff have a complete break on the days they are not in school, as they have been working every day for the last 9 weeks including over the Easter holidays and the May Bank holiday, and if we are to resume teaching on the 1st June I would like them to come back refreshed.
As a result of this, no new work will be posted on line for the children to do over the half term break, nor will any work be checked or marked during this period. The children also need to have some time when there is not the expectation to be completing work, as many have been working diligently every single day. If they really want to do some work they have their study books and learning packs which they can work through.
My understanding is that the Government will be making an announcement next week regarding whether any return to school is possible- so keep checking the website for details- although I guess you are likely to hear it on the news, just as I do.
Please note that there will still be food available if you need it.
In the meantime stay safe
With best wishes
Sheila Pape
Executive Headteacher