Just One Tree Campaign 2023
Dear Parents and Carers,
JUST ONE Tree Campaign
JUST ONE Tree, an official partner in the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, is an award-winning non-profit organisation helping to remove CO2 from the atmosphere and reverse biodiversity loss through global reforestation.
JUST ONE Tree supports reforestation projects in areas severely affected by deforestation such as Kenya, Madagascar, Mozambique and Brazil. In doing so they have the greatest positive effect on limiting global warming whilst simultaneously alleviating extreme poverty within local communities through the provision of training, agricultural education and sustainable incomes.
To help raise money, our school will be taking part in JUST ONE Tree Day on 10th November 2023. This is open to all children across the Federation. Each child is encouraged to wear an item of clothing or accessory that is green and bring in 50p to help towards tackling the climate crisis. School uniform does not have to be worn on this day
More information can be found at: https://www.justonetree.life/
We look forward to counting the number of trees that our school community can fund!
Yours sincerely,
Miss Darch
Geography Lead