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Mock SATs 2023

Dear Parents

Mock SATs Next week, the children will be completing Mock SATs papers and the timetable is detailed at the bottom of this letter. We understand that children often worry about SATs so we give them this experience as a practice and for reassurance. It also enables us, as teachers, to recognise gaps in knowledge and understanding. This helps us to focus our teaching better, in the spring term, in preparation for the real thing.


Please try to ensure that your child attends school for the week and arrives on time. It is important that your child is prepared for this week. They need to be eating and sleeping properly and drinking lots of water in order to stand the best chance of performing to their potential.


Finally, the most important thing approaching the SATs is that your child is happy. To this end, we will only ever ask them to do their best and we are sure that you will be reinforcing this message at home. Yours sincerely


Mrs N Backham

Mrs K McGuinnity

