Dear Parents and Carers,
Happy New Year!
I sincerely hope that you all managed to have some time with your family and friends over the Christmas break. I know Covid did mean that some of you had a delayed Christmas, but I hope that you are all fit and well now.
As I write this, I have just been alerted to the fact that the isolation period for Covid has now reduced to 5 full days, as from Monday 17th January. This means that if you have a negative LFD on day 5 and then again on the morning of day 6, you can return to work/school.
Also note that if you have no symptoms, but test positive on an LFD, you do not need to take a PCR. This positive result is enough to show you have Covid. You must still report your result on line for track and trace purposes. Please also remember to inform people you have been in contact with during the previous 2 days, so they can act accordingly.
It is also worth reminding you all that if there is a positive case in your household, children (not if they are the positive member!) are still expected to attend school providing they are not symptomatic and ideally have taken a LFD test (negative) before coming in. If there are issues specific to your family, then please feel free to ring in for advice and guidance.
I would also like to thank those of you who are doing everything you can to help reduce the spread of Covid, whether that be LFD testing your children, wearing a mask, or just being extra cautious when out and about by socially distancing. By testing your children regularly, it does mean cases can be spotted early, reducing the likelihood of staff and other children being infected and in turn spreading to their families.
The diary dates for this term and the summer term have now been published and your child should have brought home a paper copy today, obviously all planned events will be reviewed nearer the time depending on the Covid situation.
Please continue to keep yourselves safe.
Sheila Pape
Executive Headteacher