The South View Federation

'A highly cohesive haven'

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Parent Update 70 - 01.02.2021

Dear Parents,


I hope you are all keeping safe and well, and feeling more hopeful now that Covid cases are seen to be falling.


Thank you so much for being proactive in keeping your children off school, and getting tested, if you have any doubt about an illness within your family. This has really helped us keep the school open and as safe as we can make it. We are maintaining our rigorous sanitising, social distancing, with good ventilation of rooms, as well as many other safety measures, to do the best we can in keeping us all safe.


You may also have heard on the news that all school staff are now entitled to take a Lateral Flow Test, which is used at home, to show if there are any asymptomatic cases of Covid within the staff, so allowing them to isolate when otherwise they wouldn't have known they had the virus. This has already started at South View, so again provides some more reassurance that any cases could be detected early.


I can also inform you about some new staff who have joined us as from today: Ms Ricci has joined the junior school as the year 6 intervention teacher for Maths, as the previous teacher left at the end of last term and, at the infant school, Mrs Jobling has joined Year R to cover a maternity leave until the end of the summer term. Mrs Jobling used to work at the junior school a number of years ago, so some of you may remember her.  We welcome them both and hope they will be very happy at South View.


Yet again there have been an enormous number of comments posted on the learning platforms across both schools. Many parents have made some lovely comments both online, or in person, to the staff, thanking them for their hard work. The quality and quantity of the work being set has also received some very positive comments too - so thank you. The staff do appreciate this feedback as they are all working incredibly hard trying to carry out class teaching and home learning at the same time. The children are also completing so much work and this will truly help them keep up with those children who are in school and so reduce the amount of 'catch up' needed when they return. If you have any queries about home learning please do not hesitate to contact your child's class teacher.


If there is anything else which you need support with please do ring into either school office and we will do our best to help you.


Wishing you all the very best


Stay safe.


Mrs Sheila Pape

Executive Headteacher

