Parent Update 71 - 04.02.2021
Dear Parents,
It has been good to hear that a number of clinically vulnerable people are now receiving their vaccinations, again another move forward in protecting society against Covid 19. I am pleased to say that no further cases have been reported, at all, in school. Staff continue to carry out the lateral flow tests to provide further reassurance that they are not carrying the virus.
In a previous update I mentioned that FSM vouchers would not be issued, by school, over the half term, as the government had provided Winter Covid Grants to local authorities to enable local charities to bid for this money and provide support in that way. However, Hampshire have delegated this money to schools as it was felt they are in a better position to provide the support directly to families. So I can confirm that we will be issuing FSM vouchers for the half term break, to everyone who is eligible, over the next week. If you are not eligible, but are struggling financially, please do get in touch as we may be able to help.
Can I remind all parents and carers that they should not be using the school car parks unless they have a permit or blue badge. We still have children moving about the site and their safety has to remain our priority. Please park outside of the school gates and walk your child into school.
Reminder: INSET day on Friday 12th February. School will not be open on that day, and no work will be posted. If your child has been attending school, and is eligible for FSM vouchers, £3 per child will be added on to the half term vouchers to allow for the INSET day.
Please stay safe - we have done so well so far and we want to keep it that way!
Best wishes,
Mrs Sheila Pape
Executive Headteacher