Dear Parents,
Here we are at half term already, and fortunately still no Covid cases reported in school. I know I keep saying thank you for all of your support, but because you are all taking the correct action and keeping children off if you are in any doubt, being tested and isolating if necessary, it has enabled us to stay safe in school, so thank you again!
Please remember it is an INSET day tomorrow - Friday 11th February.
If you are eligible for FSM vouchers you should have now received them for the half term break. If you haven't, then please contact the school office and they will help you. For those of you whose children have been in school and attending on a Friday, you should have an extra £3 to cover the INSET day too.
For those who fit the criteria, we return to school on Monday 22nd February. I am hoping by then that I will have more information on whether schools will be fully reopening on 8th March as suggested previously by the government, but I guess you will hear it on the news at the same time as I do. Nevertheless, if there are any updates, I will send these over half term if needed.
As during the autumn half term and Christmas break, anyone who displays symptoms, or who has a positive test result within 48 hours of being in school should inform the school via the school website contact form. This will enable us to inform others that they would need to isolate.
Where a pupil or staff member tests positive for Covid, having developed symptoms more than 48 hours since being in school, the school should not be contacted. Parents and Carers should follow contact tracing instructions provided by NHS Test and Trace.
I hope you all have a lovely half term but remember to stay safe, keep washing your hands and socially distancing when out and about.
With my very best wishes,
Mrs Sheila Pape
Executive Headteacher