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Parent Update 77 - 28.03.2021

Dear Parents and Carers,


As you are aware we were informed on Friday afternoon that we had a positive Covid case at each school. Advice from the DfE and the Local Authority was followed with Year 2 and Year 4 children, as well as staff who had had close contact, now isolating. We wish those who are unwell a speedy recovery.


Just to clarify: The last day of isolation for Year 2 children is Saturday 3rd April, whereas for the year 4 children it is Friday 2nd April. This is due to different contact dates with the cases involved. During the isolation period, if your child or any member of your household starts to show symptoms then your whole household must isolate and a test arranged.


I know some of you may well have decided to have your child tested anyway once you heard about the positive case, however, even if the result is negative, they still have to isolate for the full 10 days to allow time for any symptoms to develop.


During this period of isolation, on line learning will be set for the children as it was during the lockdown. Their teachers will be working from home to do this. Those children who are entitled to a Free School Meal can order a lunch via the school website, this will need to be collected by an adult who is not isolating. The child cannot be brought to the school with them.


I also recognise that many of you may have siblings to bring to school. They are entitled to attend school but the child who is isolating MUST remain at home, appropriately supervised. If this causes anyone concern or anxiety, as you are not able to bring siblings to school and supervise the isolating child, then the siblings can remain at home too and we will provide home learning for them as well. Please ring the school office to let us know this is what you are doing. Should you require the use of a school laptop to access the home learning, again, contact the school.


Easter Holidays

We break up for the Easter holidays on Thursday at the normal time.

As before, those families who are eligible for Free School Meals will be issued with food vouchers for the Easter holidays. These will be arranged in the same way as they have been for previous holidays.


LFD tests

As mentioned in my last update, LFD tests are available from the Anvil for any adult who has school aged children. These tests are for all of the adults in your household. If you haven’t already been to the Anvil to collect your tests, please do so as soon as you can. I believe you can just call in, no booking required.


Important Reminder

If your child is unwell you should keep them at home as you would usually do. If they, or any members of your household, display Covid like symptoms, children must not come to school and you must arrange for the symptomatic person to be tested and remain in isolation until the results are returned. If the result is positive then the whole household must isolate.

If a member of your household is unwell and you are not sure if it is Covid related, I would rather you acted cautiously and rang the school for advice, before sending children to school.


Change in Lockdown rules

As from Monday 29th March, lockdown rules are changing very slightly. 6 people or 2 households can now meet up either in a public space or a private garden.

However, the fact remains that the more people who meet together, the greater the risk of contracting or spreading the virus. So, we are keeping our arrangements as they currently are until we break up for the Easter holidays on Thursday.


These arrangements are: one adult should bring/collect your child/children to and from school.

Please keep your children close beside you at all times so that they are not mixing with other children. It defeats the object of us keeping them separate in school if they then mix together on the way home! If your child has mixed with a year 2 or year 4 child on the way home, or out of school, then you might want to monitor them closely.


Be aware of others on the paths, giving space where necessary, to allow people to pass each other safely.

Parents should observe social distancing from other adults and children at all times and should not gather together either inside or immediately outside of the school grounds as this is not allowed. I know this will be difficult when some of you haven’t met up for some time, but the more people who meet together, the higher the risk of any transmission.

We want to try and avoid any further cases so please do follow the rules for your own safety and the safety of the rest of the school community.


Finally, we were made aware of a man acting strangely outside of school on Thursday at the end of the day. Senior staff patrolled the local area, including all of the access paths to the school, but no one was seen. Everyone outside of the school was accounted for and there for a legitimate reason. I believe the police were called but they have not made contact with the school so I am not sure if they attended. However, as always, please be vigilant. Children are continuously being reminded not to speak to strangers nor go with them. We will continue to have staff monitor the gates during this coming week.


With my very best wishes,

Mrs Sheila Pape

Executive Headteacher
