Parent Update 79 - 27.05.2021
Dear All,
Finally, some sunshine has appeared, and apparently it will be staying with us during the Bank Holiday and half term break. I hope you all enjoy spending time with your families but remember to stay safe too!
Breakfast Club
For those children currently attending, breakfast club will be opening from 8a.m. after the half term break. The numbers are such that we can accommodate them in the dining rooms and halls, but with them still having their own space so that bubbles are not mixing.
The children should arrive via reception at each school as they were doing before lockdown. Please remember: if there is someone in the reception area, wait until they have left before entering. This helps keeps everyone socially isolated.
We will continue to review breakfast club arrangements in the hope that we can begin to offer more places in the near future. If you have any queries please contact Mrs Young at the junior school who is the Breakfast Club manager for the federation.
Covid Holiday Arrangements
As has been the case since the first lockdown, if a positive case is identified over the first weekend of the holiday, you must inform the school so we can contact other families and let them know of the need to isolate. Similarly, if your child develops symptoms over the first weekend and then subsequently has a positive result, again, the school must be informed so that contact tracing can be carried out.
Please contact the school via the website contact form as this will be checked daily.
Arrival and Collection Arrangements After Half Term
8.40 a.m. – 9.00 a.m. will now be the arrival window for both schools from Monday 7th June.
Collection will be from 3.05 p.m. each day. Please continue to use current arrival and collection doors.
The next INSET day is on Friday 25th June
In the hope that the lovely weather will continue after the holidays, please remember to put sun cream on your child before they come into school, a sun hat is also recommended. (Infant children are provided with a sun hat.) However, they will also need a light coat in case it does rain or drops cooler during the day. We all know how unpredictable our weather is!
However, we are hoping that the weather will help our allotment grow as the whole Federation has been involved in developing our allotment, be that planting sunflowers, vegetables or fruit. So far beans, peas, lettuce, edible flowers, courgettes, potatoes, squash, carrots, strawberries, spring onions, radishes and herbs have been planted! I know many of you enjoyed taking the extra strawberry plants we had, so I hope they grow too. If you are on the school site, please do come and look at the allotment and see what the children have been doing. Stop and have a chat to Liz, our incredible gardener, too.
I would just like to end this update by saying how proud I have been of the way the children have all settled back to their learning. There has been some lovely work completed and the children are trying so hard. One great success has been that the children, in the junior Resourced Provision, have been awarded Blue Peter Badges for being Climate Heroes and 'doing their bit' to reduce their carbon footprint. There was great excitement when Mrs Bond opened the letter with the badges inside. Well done to them all!
Have a lovely half term. Stay safe.
With my very best wishes,
Mrs Sheila Pape
Executive Headteacher