Parent Update 80 - 18.06.2021
Dear Parents and Carers,
I hope you all had a lovely half term break and enjoyed the amazing weather, which seems to have changed dramatically today!
Now the children are back at school we are making plans for the rest of the half term.
In light of the announcements made on Monday, by the Prime Minister, sadly we will be unable to invite parents to many of the end of term events. I sincerely hope that this is not the case next year!
We are allowed groups of 30 adults at a time, outside, but I still feel this is a risk I do not want to take with the current Covid variant on the increase and cases within Basingstoke already. I also do not want to run the risk of parents mixing and then cases being identified, meaning families are having to isolate for the beginning of their summer holidays. I hope you understand that I am making these decisions to keep us all as safe as possible.
The children will still be having their sports days, albeit arranged very differently so as not to cross ‘bubbles’ and to maintain social distancing, but without spectators, as mentioned above.
Year 2 Transition.
Under normal circumstances all year 2 parents would have been in to visit the junior school last week and found out which class their child will be in for year 3. A letter confirming their new class will be included in their end of year report but as we want to start some transition work sooner than that, a text will be sent on Wednesday of next week (23rd June) to the phone number we hold for the ‘number one contact’, informing you of your child’s class for next year. The year 3 teachers for next year are Miss Sheldon and Miss Boyd.
If you haven’t received a text by 3p.m. on Wednesday then you will need to phone the infant school to check your contact details are up to date and we can then let you know which class your child is in.
Please note that we are not able to inform you of other children in their class due to data protection laws.
I am very aware that a lot of parents already have siblings at the junior school and so know the school well, however, we will still be offering a brief introduction to the school (about 15 minutes) in the school hall, socially distanced, in groups of 5 parents at a time. This will include a walk through the school.
If parents would like to attend one of these brief induction tours, then please book via the infant school office. A maximum of 5 parents per tour, so it is first come first served! A face mask must be worn (unless you are exempt) and social distancing observed at all times.
The times available are:
- Tuesday 6th July @ 10a.m., 11.15a.m. and 1.30p.m.
- Thursday 8th July @ 10a.m.
- Tuesday 13th July @ 10a.m. or 11.15a.m.
- Friday 16th July @ 9.30a.m. or 11.15a.m.
- Tuesday 20th July @ 9.30a.m., 11.15a.m. or 1.30p.m.
You will be able to collect your child’s induction pack during your visit, or from the JUNIOR school office at any time after 6th July.
Year 6 Transition
We are awaiting an update from The Vyne as to what their transition arrangements will be in light of the delayed relaxing of lockdown.
Transition for other year groups
All children will receive a letter informing them of their new class teacher on 5th July. They will visit their new class teacher on 14th July for an hour between 11 and 12. This can still go ahead as the children will be remaining in their year group bubbles.
I will be sending out the staffing arrangements for the whole federation on Monday 28th June.
We have an INSET day planned for 25th June which is the last one for this academic year. Children should not attend school on this day.
Reminder: INSET days for 2021-2022 are
- 1st October 2021
- 1st November 2021
- 18th February 2022
- 3rd May 2022
- 24th June 2022
These are all on the website with the current term dates. Our usual term date cards will be sent out once a final decision has been made about the additional Bank Holiday in June to mark Her Majesty The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, as this requires adjustment to the already published 2021-22 School Year and Holidays pattern.
Other Key Dates:
- Monday 21st June – Nursery sports day
- Wednesday 23rd June – Year R, 1 and 2 sports day
- Monday 28th June – Staffing for 2021-2022 information update to parents
- Tuesday 29th June – Junior school sports day
- Monday 5th July – New class letters
- Wednesday 7th July – PSHE day
- Friday 9th July – School Council Celebration day
- Wednesday 14th July – Reports sent home / New class visits
- Thursday 22nd July Year 2 Leavers’ assembly (sorry – no parents due to Covid)
- Friday 23rd July – Break up for the summer holidays – 12.15-12.45p.m.
(Please be mindful there will be a lot of people on site so ensure you socially distance)
The weather is definitely improving. Please ensure your child has sun cream and a sun hat (SVJ) as they will still be spending a lot of time outside.
Finally, this virus has not gone away, so please keep up with social distancing and washing your hands. If you, or another family member, have ANY covid symptoms, you must book a PCR test immediately and isolate with your household and other members of your household bubble. Please inform the school if you are isolating due to symptoms or have a test booked.
As always – if you have any queries about anything in this update, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Stay safe.
With my very best wishes,
Mrs Sheila Pape