The South View Federation

'A highly cohesive haven'

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Parent Update - Staffing 2021/2022

Dear Parents and Carers,


As mentioned in my update on 18th June, I can now inform you of the staffing (teachers) across the Federation for 2021-2022.


Year Group


Nursery - Ladybirds

Mrs R Wortley

Badger Class

Mrs H Kaval & Miss E Mant

Owl Class

Miss K Clews

Mole Class

Mrs F Holley

Rabbit Class

Miss L Lee

Fox Class

Mrs H Flynn

Woodpecker Class

Miss M Thomas

Hedgehog class –  

SLCN Resourced provision

Mrs K Penhaul/Mrs M Haldane

Butterfly Class –

MLD Resourced provision

Mrs N Warren


Miss E Mant


Mrs L Turnnidge



Year 3       

Miss E Sheldon


Miss C Boyd

Year 4       

Mrs P Dyer / Mrs K Clift


Mrs L Kinnell

Year 5

Mr P Grinham


Miss C Darch

Year 6

Mrs K McGuinnity


Mrs N Backham

SLCN Resourced provision

Miss R Mann

MLD Resourced provision

Miss C Allen


Mr R Gaunt / Mrs S Arrol


Mrs N Morris, Mrs A Ricci and Mrs T Allen


Mrs S Russell


Mrs L Turnnidge remains the Deputy Headteacher at the infant school and Mrs K Young is the newly appointed Deputy Headteacher at the junior school.


All of the staff in bold are members of the Senior Leadership Team with the following responsibilities:

Mrs Kaval – Early Years manager (nursery & year R)

Mrs Flynn – KS1 manager (years 1 & 2)

Miss Sheldon – Lower school manager (years 3 & 4)

Mrs McGuinnity – Upper school manager (years 5 & 6)


Mrs L Turnnidge will be the Resourced Provision Manager for all 4 provisions across the Federation.


As you can see we have been most fortunate to appoint new staff and we hope that Miss Darch, Mrs Kinnell and Mr Grinham will enjoy their time at South View. Another new member of staff is Miss Boyd, however, she has already joined us and is currently teaching in year 3.



Reminder of Key Dates:

Monday 5th July – New class letters

Wednesday 7th July – PSHE day

Friday 9th July – School Council Celebration day

Wednesday 14th July – Reports sent home / New class visits

Thursday 22nd July Year 2 Leavers’ assembly (sorry – no parents due to Covid)

Friday 23rd July – Break up for the summer holidays – 12.15-12.45 p.m.

   (Please be mindful there will be a lot of people on site so ensure you socially distance)


Finally, this virus has not gone away, so please keep up with social distancing and washing your hands. If you, or another family member, have ANY covid symptoms, you must book a PCR test immediately and isolate with your household and other members of your household bubble. Please inform the school if you are isolating due to symptoms or have a test booked.


As always – if you have any queries about anything in this update, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Stay safe.

With my very best wishes,

Mrs Sheila Pape 

Executive Headteacher

