SVJ Sports Day Weds 29th June
Dear Parents,
Great news! The Junior School Sports Day is on Wednesday 29th June.
On Wednesday morning, we are having the usual relay races on the field. Your child will be in their house point team in their class. They will do each relay race, as part of their team, and you are welcome to follow your child around the field as they do these activities. This will start at 10am and should finish by 11 a.m.
In the afternoon, we will have races on the field and it will be in two parts. Lower school (Year 3 and Year 4) will start their Sports Day events at 1:15pm and finish at 2pm. Upper school (Year 5 and Year 6) will then come out and start their Sports Day events at 2:15pm - finishing at 3pm.
If your child is in lower school, please arrive ready for a 1:15pm start. You are then welcome to leave when lower school have finished their races. If your child is in upper school, you should arrive ready for a 2:15pm start. If you have children in upper and lower school, you are welcome for both. All children will be expected to return to class and will be sent home at 3:20pm as usual.
Obviously, your child will need their PE kit for the whole day and they may wear a T-shirt in their house colour.
If it is raining on the Wednesday morning then Sports Day will be called off as the ground will be too slippery to sprint on. We will put a notification on the school website.
Mr. Gaunt.
P.E. Manager