Update from Mrs Pape
Dear All,
Following my update earlier this week I would just like to confirm that all of the tests which were carried out as a precaution, on staff and pupils in Mrs Clift's class, have come back negative.
As I said in my update, I was being cautious and I would rather that than take any risks with the safety of the children, staff and community.
Thank you to the many of you who expressed your support in this. If ever there were a positive case, I would inform you, along with the action that is being taken. I know there were rumours going round that there were positive cases - but please be assured if there is anything you should know, I will let you know. We all need to work together to get through these strange times.
As the weather gets a little colder and wetter, the classrooms might be a little colder than usual due to the high level of ventilation required. The heating is on, but it might be an idea to send your child with an extra layer - just in case they feel a little chilly. One member of staff has admitted to wearing their long johns! - but I'm not going to say who!!
I also mentioned that all parents would be receiving a mini report on their child's progress as we aren't able to hold parents' evenings as usual. These will be sent home on Tuesday 20th October. Please check your child's book bag for the envelope.
Finally, I hope you all have a lovely weekend and hope to see you safe and sound on Monday.
Stay safe
With my very best wishes
Mrs Sheila Pape
Executive Headteacher