Update 15.06.2020
Dear Parents and Carers,
Today we welcomed back some more children into school and it was lovely to see them. They all seemed to have had a great day and quite a few parents commented that this was the case at the end of the day as they were collected.
I am still working on transition plans, especially for year 2, as mentioned in my update last week and hope to have more details about these very soon.
Thank you to so many of you for returning library books. We are still quite a few missing so please check your children’s bedrooms carefully as every book we have to replace means 1 less new book can be bought. There is a box in both reception areas where you can hand them in.
My understanding is that there will be announcement this week, by the Government, on plans for summer catch up for children. I am awaiting the detail of this just as you may well be. Hopefully the announcement will be made soon and then we will all know what is happening.
We have an INSET day planned for 26th June which is the last one for this academic year. The previous one which was planned, for May, didn’t actually happen due to it being in the middle of the lockdown but this next one is the day the staff spend preparing for their next year’s class. I do want to ensure that records are completed so that all information is passed on efficiently to your child’s new teacher. Therefore school will not be open on Friday 26th June except for vulnerable and key worker children but only if you are unable to make any alternative arrangements. If you need us to provide care for that day then please let us know by ringing in to the office by the end of Thursday 18th June so we can organise cover.
Please note next year’s INSET days are on the website.
Finally, I was concerned to see so many people forming queues today to get into shops and they were all so close to each other. Sadly these are the occasions when this virus will spread so please be careful if you are out shopping and ensure you maintain a good distance from other people to keep yourselves and your family safe.
Stay safe.
With my very best wishes,
Mrs Sheila Pape