Update 18.06.2020
Dear Parents and Carers,
There is still no news from the government regarding their plans for schools so I am unable to update you any further at the moment.
However, I am able to offer a final opportunity for your child to return to school if they are in nursery, year R, 1 or year 6. This will be for the last few of weeks of term from Monday 29th June. It is fair to inform you that much higher numbers than we have currently would mean that the children are unlikely to be with their usual teacher, or in their own classroom, especially at the infant school and are very likely to have to join a new ‘mixed year group family’ as that is the only way I could provide appropriate staffing and toilet facilities for the reduced class sizes we have to adhere to. If you would like your child to return for the last couple of weeks then please ring into school before 2p.m. on Monday 22nd June to book your child a place. Online learning will continue for those of you who still feel your child is safest at home.
Library Books
Thank you to so many of you for returning library books. We are still quite a few missing so please check your children’s bedrooms carefully as every book we have to replace means 1 less new book can be bought. There is a box in both reception areas where you can hand them in.
We have an INSET day planned for 26th June which is the last one for this academic year. The previous one which was planned, for May, didn’t actually happen due to it being in the middle of the lockdown but this next one is the day the staff spend preparing for their next year’s class. I do want to ensure that records are completed so that all information is passed on efficiently to your child’s new teacher. Therefore school will not be open on Friday 26th June except for vulnerable and key worker children who have booked in as requested.
Having looked at the weather for next week it appears that we are in for another hot week. Please do ensure that your child has a sun hat and that you apply sun cream before they come to school as the children do spend quite a lot of time outside.
FSM vouchers
A number of you have been enquiring about more vouchers. These are ordered regularly but we have to wait for them to be processed by Edenred before the link is emailed to you. The vouchers are allocated retrospectively as well as for a couple of weeks ahead, again depending on how much time your child spends in school. It has now been confirmed that the government have will continue to provide vouchers throughout the summer holidays too.
It is not too late to apply for Free School Meals which will entitle your child to a free meal or, if they are currently staying home, vouchers towards your food shopping as well as vouchers during the summer holiday as mentioned above. To check if you are eligible and for details of how to apply please go to the Free School Meals page on our website.
Finally, keep up with the social distancing and remember that your children should still not be visiting other houses unless they are part of your household bubble. If you or any of your family show any symptoms you must book a test immediately and isolate with your household and other members of your household bubble.
Stay safe.
With my very best wishes,
Mrs Sheila Pape,
Executive Headteacher