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Update 22.06.2020

Dear Parents and Carers,


As you may have heard on the Government update last week, the plan is for all schools to open in September. The exact details of this are yet to be known but as soon as I have them I will let you know.


In the meantime further information has been released regarding ‘catch up’ for children. All schools across the country are going to need to provide extra support to enable children to catch up for the time they have missed in school. At South View we already have a successful support mechanism in place to provide ‘catch up’ for children who require it and as we went into lockdown I prepared my staffing plan based on the likelihood that for 2020-2021 more ‘catch up’ would be required. The Governing Body had approved this plan and therefore we already have extra staff available to support the children with ‘catch up’. Furthermore the staff are planning for September by working with colleagues from the year group below to ensure they teach any ‘missed work’ as a priority at the beginning of next term. I feel this puts South View in a very strong position to support your children.


Alongside the learning, there is also the emotional impact this lockdown has had on many children. My ELSA staff have been working throughout this time supporting the children they usually work with, and are ready to extend their support further to help any children address any anxieties they may have on returning to school. If you feel your child may need this extra support then please do not hesitate to get in touch.


Year 2 Transition.

Under normal circumstances all year 2 parents would have been in to visit the junior school last week and found out which class their child will be in for year 3. A letter confirming their new class will be included in their end of year report but as we want to start some transition work sooner than that, a text will be sent on Wednesday of this week (24th June) to the phone number we hold for the ‘number one contact’, informing you of your child’s class for next year. The year 3 teachers for next year are Miss Sheldon and Miss Barrett (currently at SVI).


Once this is known we can then let you know what transition plans are available for your child (and you!). I am very aware that a lot of parents already have siblings at the junior school and so know the school well, so we will be prioritising those parents who are totally new to the junior school for the first transition visits.


If you haven’t received a text by 3p.m. on Wednesday then you will need to phone the infant school to check your contact details are up to date and we can then let you know which class your child is in.


Please note that we are not able to inform you of other children in their class due to data protection laws.


Transition for other year groups

As in previous years you will find out your child’s new class teacher when you receive their annual report but sadly they will not be able to meet them, as would usually be the case on ‘moving up’ day.  However, all of the staff are preparing a short video for you to watch so you and your child have a short introduction to their new teacher and any support staff working in that classroom. The ‘book’ video was such a big hit that we decided to use this approach again. This way you will be able to recognise the staff involved in teaching your child and that first day back won’t be quite so daunting.


Library Books

Thank you to so many of you for returning library books. We are still quite a few missing so please check your children’s bedrooms carefully as every book we have to replace means 1 less new book can be bought. There is a box in both reception areas where you can hand them in.



We have an INSET day planned for 26th June which is the last one for this academic year. The previous one which was planned, for May, didn’t actually happen due to it being in the middle of the lockdown but this next one is the day the staff spend preparing for their next year’s class. I do want to ensure that records are completed so that all information is passed on efficiently to your child’s new teacher. Therefore school will not be open on Friday 26th June except for vulnerable and key worker children who have already booked in.



The weather is definitely improving. Please ensure your child has sun cream and a sun hat (SVJ) as they will still be spending a lot of time outside.


Finally, keep up with the social distancing and remember that your children should still not be visiting other houses unless they are part of your household bubble. If you or any of your family show any symptoms you must book a test immediately and isolate with your household and other members of your household bubble.


Please inform the school if you are isolating due to symptoms or have a test booked.


Stay safe.


With my very best wishes


Mrs Sheila Pape





