Update 25.06.2020
Dear Parents and Carers,
Well the hot weather has certainly returned for the time being, so I hope you are able to enjoy it while it lasts.
Year 2 transition
Yesterday a text was sent to all year 2 parents, whose children have been allocated a place at the junior school, to inform them of the class their child will be in next year. As I said in Monday’s update, the class teachers for Year 3 will be Miss Sheldon and Miss Barrett. If you didn’t receive this text, although our text messaging service confirmed that they were delivered unless your number had changed, you can ring in to the infant school and the office staff will inform you of your child’s teacher.
Now that your child knows who their new teacher is, transition visits can start to take place. Full details of these will be in Monday’s update.
Transition for other year groups
As in previous years you will find out your child’s new class teacher when you receive their annual report but sadly they will not be able to meet them, as would usually be the case on ‘moving up’ day. However, all of the staff are preparing a short video for you to watch so you and your child have a short introduction to their new teacher and any support staff working in that classroom. The ‘book’ video was such a big hit that we decided to use this approach again. This way you will be able to recognise the staff involved in teaching your child and that first day back won’t be quite so daunting.
Year R transition
In September we will be welcoming a new year R intake and the teachers in year R will be Mrs Warren and Miss Clews. Due to the lockdown we have not been able to follow our usual plan of visits, nor carry out document checks. However, we are now in a position where we can start this process.
Every child starting year R has a book bag prepared and ready for collection. Their bag includes a range of information about the school as well as a number of forms which must be completed before your child begins school. We ask that you collect your child’s book bag from infant reception, and then return the necessary forms before Wednesday 15th July, bringing with you any documentary evidence which has been requested.
Please collect your book bags at the following times, so as to reduce numbers of people arriving together:
You can collect your bags on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday (1st, 2nd or 3rd July) of next week at the following times:
Surnames A-C 9.30 a.m. -10.30a.m.
Surnames D-L 11.00 a.m. - 12.00
Surnames M-R 1.00 p.m. - 2.00 p.m.
Surnames S-Z 2.00 - 3.00 p.m.
These times apply to each of the 3 days. Please note that only one person is allowed in reception at any one time so if there is someone else already being attended to, please wait outside. Thank you.
Library Books
Thank you to so many of you for returning library books. We are still quite a few missing so please check your children’s bedrooms carefully as every book we have to replace means 1 less new book can be bought. There is a box in both reception areas where you can hand them in.
Remember it is an INSET day tomorrow so both schools are closed except if you have booked your child in specifically for the day.
Finally, keep up with the social distancing and remember that your children should still not be visiting other houses unless they are part of your household bubble. If you or any of your family show any symptoms you must book a test immediately and isolate with your household and other members of your household bubble. Please inform the school if you are isolating due to symptoms or have a test booked.
Stay safe.
With my very best wishes
Mrs Sheila Pape