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Update 53 - 06.07.2020

Dear Parents and Carers,

Here we are in the penultimate last full week of school. In the 18 years I have been at South View I have never known such a strange time in school but everyone has been amazing, especially the children, who have really taken on board the new arrangements and expectations.


I would like to say thank you to everyone for being so supportive during these times and for reading the updates so you know what is happening and turning up at the right time to collect things!


This morning we had a 100% turn out for the first year 2 transition visits for parents and children, and the year 2 children who are currently attending who were in school today had their visit to the junior school too. All of the children were very excited and asked lots of questions.


The rest of the arrangements are below:


Year 2 transition to the Junior School

Everyone should have received a text informing them of the class their child will be in, in year 3. This will either be Miss Sheldon or Miss Barrett’s class. The plan to allow the children an opportunity to visit the junior school, see their new classroom and briefly meet their new teacher is as follows:


For year 2 children not currently attending, we are offering a visit on the following days:


Children in Miss Sheldon’s class: 

  • Wednesday 8th July       10a.m.              Surnames E-G
  • Wednesday 8th July       11a.m.              Surnames H-J
  • Wednesday 8th July       1.15p.m.           Surnames K-P
  • Wednesday 8th July       2.00p.m.           Surnames S-W

Children in Miss Barrett’s class:

  • Thursday 9th July           10a.m.              Surnames A-I
  • Thursday 9th July           11a.m.              Surnames J-M
  • Thursday 9th July           1.15p.m.           Surnames N-R
  • Thursday 9th July           2.00p.m.           Surnames S-Z

You (one adult only) should bring your child to the junior school hall doors for the day/time stated above. Your child will then be escorted, in a small group, through the school to see key rooms (dining room, library etc.) ending up in their year 3 classroom. They will meet their new teacher, spending about 15 minutes in their new classroom, and will then leave by the external classroom door where they will be collected by the adult who brought them. This will allow the adults to see where the end of day collection point is.
Whilst the children are having their mini tour, the adults can either wait in the hall, or outside, but will be shown by a staff member where to collect their children from when the visit has finished. This visit should take no longer than 30 minutes in total. I will be on hand to answer any questions parents may have. You will also be given their transition pack and new book bag. I do hope as many of you as possible can attend so that the children feel more confident about this new start for them.
Annual reports
Today was the first day for collecting annual reports. Thank you to so many of you for coming in so promptly.
If your child is currently attending school, they were sent home today with your child.
If your child is not attending school, reports can be collected, by an adult, at the following times:
Tuesday 7th July:

  • Year 1 (9a.m.-3p.m.),
  • Year 3 (9a.m.-12.30p.m.)
  • Year 5 (12.30p.m.- 3p.m.)


Wednesday 8th July:

  • Year R and nursery (9a.m.-3p.m.)

If you miss the allocated slot for collection, you can collect reports anytime on Thursday and Friday of this week.
If you have children in more than one year group, you can collect all of their reports at one time. Please go to the relevant school to collect the reports.
Obviously we are unable to provide a face to face parents’ evening but should you wish to discuss the report with your child’s class teacher then please complete the reply slip in the report and return it to school and the teacher will be in touch. Alternatively you can ring in to request a call, and the teacher will ring you back when they are available to do so.
Once you have collected your child’s report and know which class your child will be moving in to in September, you and your child/children can watch the video prepared by the staff, as a way of introducing themselves to you.
If you have a year 4 child they can access the video NOW on Seesaw and for year 2, they can access the video on Purple Mash. Here they will see a message from their new teacher and any other adults who work regularly in their classroom.
Tomorrow the rest of the junior videos will be available on Seesaw and the year 1 videos on Purple Mash.
Staffing for 2020-2021
This is how the staffing is organised for September:

  •  Nursery         Mrs Wortley
  • Year R            Mrs Warren and Miss Clews
  • Year 1             Mrs Kaval/Miss Lee and Mrs Holley
  • Year 2             Mrs Flynn and Miss Thomas
  • Year 3             Miss Sheldon and Miss Barrett
  • Year 4             Miss Allen and Mrs Arrol/Mrs Backham
  • Year 5             Miss Tubb and Miss Mann
  • Year 6             Mrs Young and Mrs McGuinnity

Year 6
Sadly we are not going to be able to give the year 6 the send-off we usually do, but we do want an opportunity for us to say goodbye to them and for them to say goodbye to each other. This year 6 are the cohort who were in year 2 when I joined the infant school in the summer of 2016 so it has been incredible to see them flourish.
On Tuesday 14th July, Mrs McGuinnity’s class are invited to a picnic on the school field from 1-2p.m. and Mrs Young’s class picnic will be on Wednesday 15th July. If your child is currently attending school they will join in with the party anyway.
Please bring your own packed lunch as food cannot be shared under the current Covid arrangements. The children will be given the chance to write a message (on a post it note) to their friends and class mates which will then be made into a ‘souvenir’ for them to take away with them. There will be no signing of shirts, or close contact allowed due to Covid restrictions. This will be tough for some of them as there is usually a lot of cuddling and hugging going on when they part, but they will have to try to be sensible and hopefully understand why we need to say this.
They do not need to wear school uniform. Only the main gates will be open at this time.


Library Books
Thank you to so many of you for returning library books. We are still missing quite a few so please check your children’s bedrooms carefully as every book we have to replace means 1 less new book can be bought. There is a box in both reception areas where you can hand them in.
Reading books
Please, when collecting your reports, can you return any reading books you may have. We cannot afford for these to go missing as they are very expensive to replace and cannot usually be replaced on an individual basis but replaced as sets. Any lost books will need to be charged for to ensure that other children have the full range of reading material your child had.

Parking and Permits
Can I remind you that parking on site is not allowed, even under the current circumstances. Due to the extended arrival and collections times there are even more people walking about the site than usual so please park outside of the school and walk your child into the grounds.
If you have a current parking permit then please contact the infant school office to find out if you are still eligible for a new one to be issued for the next academic year. If you need to enquire about a permit, again contact the infant school office.
Please remember that if any of your household have symptoms you must get a test and the whole household must isolate until the results are known. You will then need to take the necessary action depending on the result. If you would like any advice or guidance please ring school.
Stay safe.
With my very best wishes
Mrs Sheila Pape
