Year 3 Transition Dates 2016
Year 3 Transition and Admission September 2016
Tuesday 21st June
Year 2 Parents’ Evening at South View Junior School - 7.00 p.m.
At this meeting you will find out who your child’s teacher will be in September.
There will also be an opportunity to meet the Year 3 teachers, have a tour of the school and ask any questions you may have.
Wednesday 22nd June
Year 3 teachers to visit Year 2 classes. 9.30-10.30 a.m.
Infant pupils to visit in groups for tour of the school: 1.30; 2.00; 2.30 p.m.
Monday 27th June
Infant pupils to visit in groups for tour of the school: 1.30; 2.00; 2.30 p.m.
Wednesday 29th June
Year 3 teachers to visit Year 2 classes. 9.30 - 10.30 a.m.
Catch-up groups for pupils who missed previous visits
Thursday 30th June
Year 2 pupils visit SVJ for a story 2.45 – 3.05 p.m.
Monday 4th July
Year 2 visit SVJ for dress rehearsal of year 6 performance - 1.30 p.m.
Thursday 7th July
Year 2 to SVJ for story with their new class teacher – 2.45-3.05p.m.
Friday 8th July
New class visits: Year 2 join SVJ in their new year 3 classes – 11a.m.
Tuesday 12th July
Open Afternoon 2.00 p.m. for parents at South View Junior School and any year 2 parents who would like to visit.
Please come along and see our school in action. You will be able to visit all the classes and see some of the exciting things our pupils do.